Part time work needed

HEY HEY i dont mooch shit

i dont use any benefits or social security nonsense or w/e that bullshit is

i was only suggesting, i rather have someone i KNOW mooch off the taxes we all pay instead of random people !!!

that way when i want a blowjob i can say


:rofl im so kidding

find a new school

+1 You’re looking to make $20+ an hour to take home $375 part time, goodluck with that.

Wal-Mart had a hiring sign out front when I went to pick up some Rotella-T Synthetic yesterday… might want to give them a shout.

You want to make $400 take home, part time, low skill? Good luck.


Thanks, almost clicked it.

Me too. Thanks for the heads up.

they have a lot of dancers!

Sorry about the NWS, guys!
I didn’t click on it myself, just googled the name and copy/pasted the link.
Thanks for the heads up.

sell drugs

Thanks, wasn’t going to click it, but you peaked my interest :lol.

Im at work and clicked it anyway


Me and SullyVR4 work part time and take home $500+ working ~18-19hrs every few days November through March…It’s doable.


But theres no snow for her to plow right now

you could whore yourself out to pjb… If you dye your hair red hel pay bigggggg money

I don’t care, I’m just saying it’s doable.

she already said she isnt going to whore herself out.