Patching a 17" tire in WNY?

Well thanks to our lovely holiday weekend, no shops are open here.

Sooooo…I was wondering if anyone could recommend a place in WNY, for patching a 17" tire. Preferably open Sunday…

Thanks in advance :tup:

you can plug it yourself. Its not hard.

Autozone of any car parts place sells a small kit that costs about $7.

Its easier if you jack the wheel up.

A power drill helps too but not necessary.

I’d rather leave something like this up to a shop to do. This way I know its done right the first time…hopefully. Im a numbers guy, not a mechanic (meaning the chances of me screwing something up is more than likely:rofl: )

Any goodyear/dunn tire/sears/ mom & pop gas station shop can handle it. Just open up the yellow pages. You probably have somewhere right near your house.

I would if I had a yellow pages for Buffalo. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to hand those out in Canada. No idea why :shrug:

Thanks for your help, I’ll see if I can find one of the above shops in Google. The reason why I ask, is because alot of tire shop can only repair up to a 16" tire (their tire machine only handles up to 16" rim), so given that alot of ppl have aftermarket rims 17" or larger, chances are they have dealt with this at one point or another.

Back to the original question. Any recommendations of a particular shop? The closer to the Niagara Falls, NY / Canada border, the better.


If you listened to Violator your tire would be fixed already.


it costed me quite a fortune just to patch one of my tires before…

$16 on sears if im correct

good thing is that…if they mess ur tire up…theres a warranty so you can go back to sears…

if ur tire blew or whatever after they put that patch…they’ll replace it…

If you at least had a GED, you would have read my response to his suggestion, and realized why I did not want to go that route.

Ok I’ll give them a try. Im willing to pay extra for the warranty. I’d rather they mess up one of these BFG KDW II’s, than myself…then they are responsible for replacing it as opposed to myself.

Thanks… :tup:

I did read your “I am a dumb and can’t fix my own tire” response, and I can’t help that you are to retarded to follow simple directions on the package of a tire repair kit.

Enough of this.

If Canadian Tire has a service center, then they can handle it as well. Good luck on the search.