Patriot Glass, Aka redline Aka Howard tanner..Bankruptcy?!?!?

Agree 100%.

Any successful business is based on credibility,reputation,and character.

Howard has shown a pattern of disrespect and intimidation. I am so sick of hearing people say it is not “our” concern. He has made a point of going on the attack with many on this forum. Ask anyone in the construction industry about him,they have the same opinion. Ask around and you be the judge.

He was the one that made a scene with his goons in more than one public setting in the community. Lets state the facts. He has made his reputation. WE have not. I just find it interesting that he sucks it up when he is alone. I was at the Lia show, I saw how he walked with his tail between his legs when his friends were not around. I will leave it at that.

His reputation has been hurt by his actions,and his actions alone.

Outside this forum he is not respected. In the business community or in the community in general.

I have made up my mind. You make up yours.

Patriot Glass. BANKRUPT

Crystal Ball

Redline. Soon to follow

Ilya is the only one commenting on something he knows nothing about. That is fact.