Patriot Glass, Aka redline Aka Howard tanner..Bankruptcy?!?!?

Thanks for the link Drew , something new is stirring up . This just leaves lots of questions , and questions about flatline and all the deals they have for cars , like the old school names they have been saying they are gonna do , the name escapes me now .


Happens all the time and just happened again.


Seriously? YOU, of all people, are going to make me defend myself…AGAIN?

Check the f’in edit history.

Some of you people are a bunch of pansy’s who can dish it out (get on me constantly for stupid shit that - again - you shouldn’t care about - like my religious beliefs?) but when someone says something back at you, you can’t handle it and cry foul. Hypocrite much? Unless you were directly threatened by the guy (like KK and his family or what not), you need to STFU and get off the hate bandwagon and just mind your own damn business like I said in my post and like KK just ranted above in his. Judging by the track record of this forum during the years I’ve been here, it’s probably a safe bet to assume that only a couple of you have any real issue with “Howard” and the rest of you are just chiming in because you are all ‘bros before hoes’ and what not.

Cossey and KK are the only people, evidently, to understand my post for what it was…which was basically a much shorter version of KK’s rant. I thought Cossey summed it up pretty well.

Oh, and for the record:

For your record, I’ve got real issues with Coward, but have you ever heard of the concept of friends sticking up for friends? If Coward Tanner threatens ANY of my friends in front of their children, he’s gained himself a problem JUST FOR THAT VERY REASON.

If you can honestly say that everyone of the posts preceding mine were people 100% hating on him or his business for that very reason, great. More power to you guys. But I highly doubt that. I really do. Why? Cause as I said (and KK said), people like to get in on what’s going on because they can. No matter, knock yourselves out. I’m outa here. Hopefully this time for good.

There is a few minute edit gap which does not get recorded in edit history. FYI.

Ilya it was me and my family not kk,s . These guys are friends and I have buissness problems wit Howard and so do most haters as u say . His list isong of the people he pissed off . When he came at me I expected it to happen at some point butt when my kids got involved is when it reallly pissed me off . So if my friends wanna hate em for that good . If they wanna hate em for what they heard alone good even though its not the right way but its what makes the world turn

Rabbit in the back is a fucking boss getting chauffeured around by those bitches up front

Rabbit in back is clearly Rebecca Black.

im still better than everybody

Let me phrase this as a question. If I own Joe Blows auto repair and you bring me your car for an oil change and you bring me your car for service, I perform said service and your engine siezes a week later due to the drain plug falling out. Wouldn’t you tell your friends, family and co-workers not to come to my shop, because I damaged your vehicle in a careless manner. Howard has never burned me personally, but has been a complete scumbag to friends, so I have and will continue to do everything I can to steer other people away from him. If it was just one person that had a bad experience that would be one thing, but the man has a clearly established partner of behavior. So if he crashes and burns he deserves it.

Agree 100%.

Any successful business is based on credibility,reputation,and character.

Howard has shown a pattern of disrespect and intimidation. I am so sick of hearing people say it is not “our” concern. He has made a point of going on the attack with many on this forum. Ask anyone in the construction industry about him,they have the same opinion. Ask around and you be the judge.

He was the one that made a scene with his goons in more than one public setting in the community. Lets state the facts. He has made his reputation. WE have not. I just find it interesting that he sucks it up when he is alone. I was at the Lia show, I saw how he walked with his tail between his legs when his friends were not around. I will leave it at that.

His reputation has been hurt by his actions,and his actions alone.

Outside this forum he is not respected. In the business community or in the community in general.

I have made up my mind. You make up yours.

Patriot Glass. BANKRUPT

Crystal Ball

Redline. Soon to follow

Ilya is the only one commenting on something he knows nothing about. That is fact.

Did ya see him talk to me ?

Or me haha.

I bet he gave tony road dome on the way home in the zr1.

Tony left before howard

Article in the business review today about this.

link from the business review