Patriot Glass, Aka redline Aka Howard tanner..Bankruptcy?!?!?

No government bail out for them?

In this economy you have to work even harder for less, many companies can’t/wont and they fail. For every company that does fail though there is a new opportunity for someone else.

Successful? And what do you have Ilya? Yes a lot of people on here are just punks but i’d say its more than a handfull that have somthing to show for themselves.

I think I might be the only one left on the forum that doesn’t have you blocked, don’t waste your words.

It said I must spread rep before giving it to jdaniels agian. Dammit.

Damn Ilya, you just said you’re better than most of the forum.

This won’t go over well.

This thread belongs on the fucking WE channel.

Stop. Talking. Now.

He’s ripped off/talked down to dozens of people in our community, shown up at members work threatening them, threatening them IN FRONT OF THEIR CHILDREN…do I need to keep going?

i havent read this thread but ilya, i just read what you said…your a dick. you cant pick and choose who YOU think is successful based on peoples posts, or what you feel your meaning of the word is.

Ilya ya don’t have kids so ya don’t know what its like when one grabs u in fear so toll ya do shut the Fuck up . My posts bout Howard were legitimately posted and my feelings valid

Didn’t know Ilya was better then all of us.

Fuck this-

Ban 1 for Ilya

Shift fucks bitches Ilya gets money

Ban 2

No ban he has his feelings . But obv not liked. Oh and 3

I hear you, sorry, just fed up at the whole thing

Im better than all of you

As am I . I dealt with it with Howard . My feeling is he got what he deserved

Pfffft I whipped Adams new 5.0 I’m god now twice over lol

Where’s T-Money now talking about how great of a business man Howard is??

I agree that a bankruptcy filling can be for many reasons even to help an organization… But, this all just seems so coincidental…

And Ilya, shut your mouth. Go pound on a bible and talk about your ridiculous views with your family who you’ll be living with till the day you die. Your views make no sense and half the time are retarded.

How many businesses that file for bankruptcy actually make it out alive?

Usually it starts with closing down a few stores but eventually they all get closed down, just like Border’s Books just went thru.

Dakota Steakhouse also filed for it. The Latham one abruptly closed on Monday, after my work had already delivered there.

Still wondering how any of you guys got “I’m better than all of you” from this post. Essentially all he’s saying is:

  1. You should worry more about your own issues rather than someone else’s.
  2. Everyone makes mistakes.
  3. (not one I really agree with) Unless you are doing better than him (Howard), you should not be talking shit.

Again, that’s just my interpretation of what Ilya said based on my reading comprehension skills which haven’t really failed me that much.