PBM vs SPL multi link

Its time for me to get a new multi link setup…i’ve never seen such shit like the megan stuff that came with my car. I’ve heard all good things about SPL links, but i cant really find any solid reviews locally. I know there are some crazy sponsored cars in the states using the PBM stuff but i want a non biased view. anybody?

i run all spl arms, the product is quality with good adjustability, descent heims, and first and foremost and most importantly… THE MOST and I mean THE BEST AND THE MOST best customer support ever. I’ve dealt with Kuah many many times and he is AWESOME. Took care of me each time… PLUS their upgrade program (whenver they released upgraded arms/etc…) is awesome.

That’s all I’ll say… PBM was more of a flashy advertisment ‘oh jdm’ on zilvia… not that they are bad but seriously… in the end arms are arms and have heims… but this has been my experience thus far.

i’ve never run SPL… But their customer service is TOP NOTCH. It simply cannot be beat. Got an old version arm? Hey SPL will let you upgrade to their newest arm with a trade in like option…

Myself and one or two others will be running my arms by the end of the summer… And may throw in a surprise.

i bought a used set of RUCA’s and it was missing a spacer, i emailed them to buy said spacer, they emailed me back to ship out the arms to them so they could ship out the new ones FREE OF CHARGE!!! and it arrived within a week! BEST customer service i’ve ever experienced hands down!

PBM end of story. It’s a pleasure to deal with Dave. He’s a good straight guy and their parts are top notch quality.

SPL has really good customer service, just oredered in my subframe offset bushings, and called my home to ask and to confirm my order. +1

I’ve heard and read great things about PBM products! (On various forums and in Drift Tengoku magazines). The CS is great as well (I’ve been asking about various IC setups, and they are super quick to reply).

Bump from the dead.

Anyone who bought PBM, were there any customs/duties charges when you got them shipped? I know SPL are made in US so they’re not effected by duties, unsure about PBM though.

I like that PBM has their 4yr free pillowball replacement and has a rubber lining protecting the joints from dirt n such. How’s SPL’s warranty on their rod ends?

Also, I read somewhere that SPL start rusting quicker… any thoughts on this?

Anything brought into Canada from anywhere can be affected by duties, especially the US…

I’ve never seen a warranty for SPL, but if you have an issue, they usually just send you a free replacement - Customer service +1000…

I’ve also never seen a legitimate claim of SPL’s rusting, just people thinking they heard their buddies cousins boyfriends arms rusted n they think they may be either SPL or megans…

You won’t go wrong with either one. I’ve heard nothing but great things about SPL’s customer service, and can also vouch for PBM’s side of things. I think they both make great products. The main difference in my opinion is that PBM shit looks cool as hell.

The pbm toe arms are designed with a bend to allow for more clearance between the subframe when your really slammed.

^^ Most companies arms have that bend in them now. Like everyone’s said, you’d be safe with either brand, i’m partial to SPL becuase they’ve been in the community for ages and still make an amazing product with unbeatable customer service.

Been on PBM stuff for 2 years now, no clunking noises or rust issues yet. Their new stuff looks even better than the 2010 multilink and also has better style adjusters.

Sorry, double post

US made automotive goods are duty free when importing under NAFTA (I’m not talking about HST here)

Thanks for the replies, I’m sorta leaning towards PBM atm but I got a month or two to decide :slight_smile:

No idea about SPL,

But PBM also has amazing customer service, atleast everytime i’ve dealt with them.
Yea they have some real quality products.

I’ve heard great things about both companies.

If not for my own products i would go with SPL since they are the real drivers at the top of the product category. But they are also the most expensive…

A bend in the toe arm is nothing special and usually not necessary. You only need it if you’re going so low as to not be functional anymore… if you don’t care about function then why even get toe arms in the first place?

I’ve had products from both companies for use or for testing and found uneven wear on some PBM arms, the bushings seemed to rub. I’m surprised there have been no failures made public about them. SPL uses the same rod ends i use so of course there will never be failures :slight_smile:

The PBM HMIC i have on my S14 took A LOT of fab work to make it fit but it’s a great product… I also have their fender roller and it’s been good.

My arms will hold their own against these products and can also be serviced locally for parts :slight_smile:

Bing, do you know anybody that uses your arms all year round? Have they had any issues with rust on the heim joints after 3-4 years?

PBM has made so many revisions and spl has made two or so recently. Both products are top notch, however I gotta say from all i’ve read recently, PBM is the one pushing the envelope with all their product releases and unfortunately in that respect SPL is lagging lately although they were the first high quality setters.

The one thing SPL added recently was some titanium use but its minor… but just enough for that tenth of a pound of savings of unsprung weight haha…
