up up
Or… We just kill them. Seriously guys, one big schoolbus should splatter the lot of em.
if this was Europe these people would have gone missing a long time ago.
Protecting the stupid is like allowing diseases like AIDS to survive just to be fair.
Even if the disease does not spread it still damages the surroundings.
Ahh, the joys and accomplishments of organized religion.
Mob mentality. How many people actually care about what these people are saying, or do they just want to be part of a “cause”?
I’m sick of being patronized by both sides.
If you have any intentions of causing violence just don’t show up, kidding or not… The group I have joined up with is on the same page as I am.
Silent, Firm. I will be wearing headphones to keep my mind off of them…
i kinda want to get a friend take two hockey sticks, tape one end of a sheet to each stick to form a makeshift wall, if you will. then proceed to block them and move as they try to move around it.
^Thats exactly what we are doing. Its a great idea!
PS - anyone interested, we are meeting at the Student Union around 830AM, carpooling up from there (parking at the school might be limited)
Fairly large turnout at the first picketing… Only 3 WBCunts showed up, the sheriffs isolated them to one corner (enforcing a 10 foot buffer, aka, no one was allowed NEAR that corner), and the other 3 corners were occupied by the anti-protesters.
Some bikers/vets showed up, not exactly the freedom riders, but along the same lines. I took about 20-30 min worth of footage, including a snowball thrown at Mr. (Fred maybe?) Phelps window as they drove away. I will post a youtube link when I get it all finished
Snowballs =/= death. FAIL.
I wish we woulda been able to get in front of them…I was expecting alot more of them too
So just three of em managed to consume like 100 people’s Sunday? They must feel awfully vindicated.
Fry must have organized them, thats why he backed out and knew the exact amount of people showing up…:tinfoilhat:
There were other highlights, some dummy in a Mazda tossed a glass jar and sped off, only to be pulled over by one of the 20 Sheriffs in vicinity.
Some nice songs and chants, you could not hear a word any of them said due to the wind. Overall variety of people showed up and despite what anyone might think, it was worth it, I wonder what this afternoons session was like without the Sheriffs organizing it
The sheriff kept most of the event rather anti-climactic, which is their job I suppose.
this is all i have to go by
somebody post something more up
We literally ran Westboro out of town, and we couldn’t have done it without you!
Thank you so much for your love and support.
Thank you to the angels, the Vietnam vets, the bikers, UB, Buff State and Daemen students, and everyone else whp participated.
I had the pleasure of meeting a few of you but I had to attend to my younger children who were freezing in the cold wind despite my attempt to bundle them up, so I was pretty much behind the scenes today.
You guys ROCK!!!
Got this on facebook
This was almost too easy…
This Buffalo News article (and video) covers the basics:
The morning event in Clarence Center went very well, albeit tame by the afternoon’s standards. Given their own corner of the Clarence Center and Goodrich to protest on, a measly 3 WBC animals stumbled around silently, holding up their infamous signs. It must be said, they scored originality points for the ridiculous illustration of President Obama as the anti-christ, complete with frogs flying out of his mouth. You just can’t make this stuff up people.
Given the other 3 corners, approximately 100 counter-demonstrators from numerous groups looked on, either dresssed in white or carrying white, with some holding American flags (and one very large Rottweiler). The only incidents involved a drive-by glass bottle throwing (it missed them…), some guy yelling at them from a 2nd floor window, some drive-by yellings and middle-fingers, and an impeccably placed snowball at their rental car window as they slithered away (before the church service ended too!) That was victory number one on the day.
The afternoon event at UB South was a slightly different matter. Outnumbered by a far larger and rowdier crowd than in Clarence (the car horns got everyone going I think), and refused an exclusion zone by the trusty Buffalo Police Department, the WBC drove their rental hate-mobile around the block looking for a safe place to picket (they obviously don’t know the Heights’ reputation).
Finally they hid on a side street and parked for a bit (rumor had it they were waiting for their lawyer, who was on the phone with the BPD, to secure them an exclusion zone). After fifteen minutes or so, an exclusion zone still refused, the slime dared to come out and attempt to hold their signs up along Main.
No dice.
Our mob – approximately 100 yards away – pounced. In impressive time, the poor hapless WBC trio were surrounded, people yelling, flags fluttering in their faces (and their police protection cracking smiles).
After a few precious moments, and after yelling at the WBC trio to stop walking (escaping) into the street, the fine folks at the BPD were nice enough to escort them to their car, and they were never to be seen again. Game, set, match.
So things got a bit confrontational. This is Buffalo! What did you expect?
To those of you who made it to either of these events, THANK YOU!
To those of you who couldn’t make it, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.
We will be putting pictures up on our website, http://www.UBFreethinkers.org shortly.
Although we may have scared them off for a bit, we have been told that the WBC will most likely be returning to Buffalo in the summer, as they apparently enjoy picketing the Gay Pride Parade.
In solidarity with our gay and lesbian allies, hopefully those of you still in town will join UB Freethinkers in extending another warm Buffalo welcome to the WBC once again. Given that it won’t be under such somber circumstances, plans will be a bit more…exciting. I think somebody mentioned leaf blowers…?
And just a more recent heads up: If you know anyone at SUNY Albany, the WBC will be there on March 6th…
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Sick 'em.
UB Freethinkers
Other video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iruYmRgOxnQ (I wish the original audio was attached)