Pedophile in Amherst

Of course he’s prowling my neighborhood:smash2:

u gonna get rapped

i love how both stories are a hispanic male

My car isn’t teal.

LOL, Good to know :tup:

or is the police report wrong??:snky:

duh duh duuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

That’ll probably be his next vehicle of choice, I’m sure :wink:

Don’t lie mike it is you

Shit! You just blew my cover!

I drive through your neighborhood a lot.really is just filled with petty thugs

They got a complete description of the SUV but no license plate?

Pretty much :roll2:

just karter moved to amherst?

Juan on the prowl?

i wanna find him and hold a lollipop and talk wike dis, then muay thai the shit out of him

by darker skinned they mean asian.

Why does one drink chardonnay that is un-oaked. Yuck…ok i’ll finsih it

FUCK! they found me :frowning:


did you guys see on the news who they tried to abduct. Whoever tried to pick that fat cunt up should cut his dick off based on the lack of taste.

starving people will eat rotting meat. :gotme: guess he was just THAT horny.