PennDot strikes again

ya i have been all over the country, and PA is the only Tar and Chip that i have ever seen

exactly my problem with it. I doubt PennDot will cover a trip to a “chips away” shop.

Judging by these roads they’re pushing Epic Fail

they do it in mid-summer, and by that theory is it tough love? In my dealings with fellow members of the human race i’ve found most are far too unintelligent to comprehend loose gravel would equal out to a dangerous situation. So in turn those that are cautious are only so because of the accidents. I know when i was 16 and had to deal with my first tarred and chipped road, i didn’t expect that shit to be as slippery as ice.

My theories stand as such.

Winter Traction= better organize government (local) spending into more productive things such as enhanced road crews and more trucks that will actually drop the damn plow.

Slow people down= well, i don’t exactly have a good answer for this. People won’t slow down on their own so maybe people with more than 2 speeding tickets should be forced to drive a ford to keep their speed under control. :stick: haha

they just tarred and chipped Noblestown road not that long ago…that road is windy as hell too…made for a fun drive especially when it was 90 degrees out and the tbird looked like it was two-tone silver and black after I drove down it…f**king PennDot!

Winter Traction= better organize government (local) spending into more productive things such as enhanced road crews and more trucks that will actually drop the damn plow.

plowing is the worst thing for any road,parking lot or driveway one little crack hit by a plow will open up to be a pot hole. the tar is suppose to fill in the crack

you dont like it call you local congressman!

It didnt cross your mind that driving on loose gravel at a decent pace would be slippery? :nuts:

I’ve seen it a few times, but I’d wish they would always put signs up before you get to the road that it’s recently been tarred/chipped. I understand why they do it, but I’d like to be able to avoid it depending on what i’m driving.

Winter Traction = We can sleep in our warm PennDOT trucks longer instead of plowing the roads right away because the new tar and chip is helping with winter traction!

screw better traction, they should just throw extra SALT down instead during the winter…thats AMAZING for cars…

x2, everyone loves to bitch, no one takes action. pussies

I agree. a simple sign… tar and chipped road 1 mile ahead or something like that. But, they don’t do that, b/c they do not care.

That’s a great call. I live in West Mifflin and they have absolutely fucked some of the roads here with that tar and chip bullshit. I took my wheels off my Impala for the time being, I didn’t want to take the chance on chipping the chrome.

keywords, just got my license, never previously dealt with a “tarred and chipped” road. ANd any speed over about 10mph can fuck you big time on a freshly tarred and chipped road. So speed isn’t the only crucial factor here.

thus leading to your point, they should put warning signs up letting you know ahead of time so you can decide to take an alternate route if you choose.

Since when does penndot due Tar and Chip ?

yup they just did like 7 Roads on the way to my Grandparents house…

i spent an hour and a half cleaning off the Tar of my Parents Benz :mad:

exactly, yesterday i was paving a few roads in marianna and sat 3 hours the first trip , 2 the second trip and 1 hour the last trip. 6 hours of wasted time sleeping in my truck, however i get paid by the load and not the hour. it sucks for me but for the penn dot drivers making 21 dollars an hour love it. 9 penn dot drivers at 21 dollars an hour multiplied by 9 hours = $1701.00 estimated. WHAT A JOKE! im doing their work and their getting paid more.:madfawk:

they used to post signs.

i wonder if the rest of the state gets screwed like we do. ed rendell FTMFL. i voted for Swanny.

They’d posted signs on the roads around me saying “Road to be oiled next week”… and the signs stayed there with nothing happening for 3 weeks. So, in effect, every week can be “next week” and you never know when they’d actually do it.
Then, when they do, they put up a sign that says “Fresh Oil and Chips”. Which they then leave up until the chips wash away and all that’s left is the “oil” part.