People are genuine scumbags...

i lol’d at this idea:lol

I’m a minuteman. Call me and I’ll bring the militia loaded in the back of the silver bullet… no pun intended.

Not joking when i say this ( and i havent read ANYThing passed this quote.)

Duct tape and nails for the road, or a 2x4 and screws. burry the wood in the soft grass/dirt. Bound to work wonders. And if your felling an extra boost of revenge put 4+ down. :lol

My buddies dad kept having people drive through his leaf piles. So he put 15 bricks hidden beneath to solve the problem.

I know a guy who used to have someone drove through his mailbox a few times a year, well he bought a hollow “woodgrain” plastic post from HomeDept/Lowes, filled both the post and the box with concrete and told the mailman to use the new box on his porch. One night he was sleeping he heard a big boom, ran outside, found pieces of headlight and grill from a Ram…but the cocncrete box itself was missing. Must of ended up in the passenger seat. He now uses a regular wooden post and box and noone’s touched it for years.

If you make a booby trap be prepared for mommy and daddy to get their asses sued off when some kid falls on your lawn and lands on some spikes.

oh, and mowing your lawn would be a bit of a challenge too.

LOL!!! That’s hilarious

shut up

shuuuuuuuuutttt uuuuuuuuppp

Yyyyyyyooooooooooosssssssssoooooooooooooollllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooo dawg

yep, shop car coming upstate. you’ll see;)

not interested

Rock garden around edge of lawn. Looks not so white trash and I won’t drive on your lawn anymore

That’s awesome.


I will build the ultimate anti car defense system if you wish

it mighta been me, I was drinking again.

Dude the dually will fuck shit up…can I borrow it?


I would have loved to have seen the look on his face when it hit a concrete post.

we had a similar problem with ppl fuckin about the house. they were doing the ding dong ditch at like 3-4 am. they would hide in the bushes near the house. my dad and me made some of those wooden planks with long ass rusty nails in em and hid them right around where there were footprints. after that we didnt have the problem anymore.