people from the west cost really like 240s

so there was that guy that bing dealt with that came down from Alberta to buy a bunch of parts to make it on time for a dyno run, now there is someone from Calgary that is willing to fly down to buy my s14 for 6000 and have it shipped over there by train. must be hard to find 240’s out there.

people drive cars over from the united states all the time.

doesnt mean they arent plentiful here.

whats the west cost?

when i was in Calgary i saw a ton of Nissan ie. Skylines and 240 mainly

More than you can afford Pal.



^^^ ftw


in calgary or anywhere in alberta for that matter. When i saw an s13 or s14 it was slammed, caged, aero, nice fitting wheels, with clean paint. Ontario fail but shit there does not rust like here

Jesse, you’re back from out West?

As Jesse stated, all 240’s (there are very few actually 240’s, theyre all 180’s and Silvia’s) are slammed/caged/nice.

The few 240’s I do see are usually stock and sooooo clean its not even funny.

I went to a pick-and-pull here and they had 4 240’s that were scrapped because of “rust”…these 4 were spotless except for maybe two or three 1" small bubbles under the paint. Sheesh…

Oh ya, and sooo many R32’s and a bunch of R33’s now. I see on average at least 25 RHD vehicles a day.