People never cease to amaze me

I was sitting at a red light yesterday. The guy at the intersection to my right just got the green light and is making a right turn. There is a cement curb divider ahead of me. He turns to make the right turn, but then it doesn’t look like he is turning his wheel the entire way and he just hops up on the curb.
Then he puts it in reverse, backs down off it, puts it in drive, drives over it again.

The kicker was, in the oncoming lane - (the other side of the divider) there was a cop sitting there RIGHT next to where he was. Lights go on immediantly and the guy is still trying to get his car back on the road. HA HA

Anyone who’s in Oakland has tons of stories about people driving the wrong way down Fifth and even Bellefield. Tons of stories about people parking. The one day I was stadning outside getting some air and one of the ladies I work with is pulling out of her parking space. She hits the car behind her, rolls out. A new car pulls in to the same spot, hits the same car again. Crazy. The best was leaving work real late one night, it’s dark, I hear this horrible sound. Look over and there’s this chick with her passenger side about 4 inches off the ground and stuck on the car she’s side swipping. Instead of just stopping, she is gunning the car and just ripping the shit out of both cars. I call the cops while another lady get’s this chicks plate number. She sees us doing this and just rolls away. I’ve also seen multiple people hit by cars and the drivers not stop. I don’t understand that. The worst ended up being a over the road truck driver that hit a guy on his bike. He blamed it on medication. Glad to have him behind the wheel… While I stopped to check on the guy he hit, another car chased the car down and grabbed the plate number.

We really need to make these driving tests harder.