perhaps i missed something in the news? NOW WITH PICS

so, as i was driving around in North Tonawanda/Kenmore today delivering parts for my second summer job, I came across a house. on the front lawn of said house, there were 2 very professional looking 4’x8’ signs. one read “Highway Dpt Workers Damaged My Car And Won’t Accept Responsibility!” and the other read “Pay Up Town Workers!”

i was not in a position where i could whip out the cell phone for a picture at the time. If i see it again in my travels I will go take a picture. but, did i miss something in the news at some point? did a Tonawanda truck hit a car or something and the town is screwing this guy over? whoever it is must be pretty pissed.

But that was Cheektowaga. The WGRZ story is pretty messed up.

ya that guy should get re-elected :bloated:

oh this was definitely in the Ken-Ton area. i’ll try and get a picture of it next time i drive by. it was quite amusing.

Just wow. Pay the woman her money, they obviously fucked up. If they are so out to save people’s taxmoney, then don’t appeal it. They fucked up, and you are paying lawyers, clerks ,etc. WAY MORE MONEY to process the appeal then you are paying if you give the woman her $2000 :roll:

He apologized, said ‘I’m sorry, I dropped the plow too early,’"


my dad was heading to work on rt 5 one day when a plow in the opposite direction thru ice over the median into his windshield. My dad had to either pay for it or make a claim thru his INS co. Its bullshit, Especially plows, they fuck up cars all the time. Everyone doesnt have access to a driveway, what are they suppose to do??? The laws makes this shit ok.

Two incidents remind me of this.

A few years back, my uncle in cincinnati had his lexus parked in the street.

Freggin garbage truck comes through and plows into the back of it.

Town says they aren’t responsible. My uncle had to run it through his own insurance, and the car ended up getting totalled.

Then this past winter, my buddy in Allentown, who doesn’t have driveway parking, had his car parked in the street like everybody else.

Buffalo plow truck hammers the rear of it with the plow. Again, we are not responsible.

There was a pick-up truck at my uncle’s shop for like a year, just sitting there half taken apart. I inquired about it and was told that it got hit by a Buffalo garbage truck. The guy didn’t have the money to get it fixed and the city, being in its excellent financial state of well being, pretty much told the guy, “Sucks to be you!”

I remember when I was a kid my friend’s mom had an Eagle Premier. She was sitting in the Wendy’s drive thru line and a town dump truck, or some kind of huge truck backed into the side of her car. Not just a dent- it caved both doors in! Neither one ever opened again. They wouldn’t give her anything, and she drove it like that until it died. Fuckers need to be responsible like everyone else.

ok, i drove by it again while test driving a car at work today, and made sure to pull over for a cell phone pic:

kinda shitty, but the sign on the left reads: “welcome to tonawanda, where the highway department can smash your car and not be held responsible” and the one on the right reads: “Attention highway employees: road rules are optional”

someone pissed this guy off lol

That sucks a lot. But, I always thought they weren’t liable for these damages, which sucks, a lot.

I never ever put my car in the street because of this. I guess it’s true.

I hope she wins.

now, if they really wanted to prove their point, they would park the smashed car right out there with the signs

Mike, where do you work? I thought it was West Herr, but I doubt you’d be in Tonawanda on a test drive if that was the case.

And please tell me you were test driving this car for work, and not because you’re thinking of trading in the truck. :rofl:

I work at Paddock Chevrolet. I was driving a beat-to-hell Express van to check for a tranny slip.

Edit: i now also work at Lakeland Auto Supply as a parts driver on days I dont work at PChev

Channel 2 picked up the story about the signs in Tonawanda:

Complete fucking bullshit.

I’d go layig nails in front of the trucks every morning.

So a truck slid through an intersection and smashed their apparently uninsured car and a the police report didn’t assign fault, but they feel that their entitled to taxpayer’s money to fix it?

I’m sorry but accidents happen and if you can’t afford to replace a smashed car you need to have collision on it. They’re not getting screwed, they’re trying to cash in. Fuck em.

Guess what, if you slide on ice, you can be issued a citation for driving to fast for conditions. And it would be the person who lost controls fault.

Even if I had collission, I would not want to file my OWN claim and risk my insurance company jacking my insurance rates because some douche didn’t learn how to brake properly on ice.

Let alone I find it very shady that a plow truck weighing the amount they do with the traction that they have siding thru an intersection because of ice alone.

Right, but they weren’t. If this happened between 2 private individuals and the cop didn’t assign fault do you think they’d have signs up bashing the other private individual? It seems like they feel that because it’s the town’s money, they’re entitled to it.

I agree, it sucks. But driving a car in Buffalo in the winter comes with certain risks, smashing it being one of them. You accept that risk when you get behind the wheel. In this case they also accepted the risk of smashing an uninsured car.

Maybe the town truck driver is at fault, but the police report didn’t assign fault. Case closed. Shit happens. I fail to see why it should be any different than when that happens between 2 private individuals.