pet ferret

anyone want a ferret or know someone who is looking to get one? its a young an dont seem to be fully trained yet. found it in my garage…and because i have a big heart i couldn’t just leave it there… and besides i knew it would chew thew a wire or something on my car then it would have to die …i spent 80 dollars on food and wood chips and a water bottle and dish, litter and litterbox and box liners… id like to get like the 80 dollars back if i can… but i need this fucker gone… bit my kid twice already…and although i know it was just playing and stuff, my child don’t know that an is now terrified of this thing, their very lovy critters and you need to have time to spend playing with them so don’t take it if you don’t have time to spend with it… as much as i find this thing cute i also find it annoying but i wont allow it to go to a home that isn’t decent, my last resort is a ferret rescue but id rather find a home for it. but if someone don’t take it im liable to strangle it.

amsterdam but ill even bring this thing to you if your within a 30 mile radius

So wait you found a ferret in your garage and it bit your kid twice and you’re not at all concerned that the ferret could possibly have rabies?


Hope he doesn’t gotta get those rabbies shots !

no because he don’t break skin when he bites because hes just playing… but my kid is 14 months old and shes a speedy crawler so she would crawl and the ferret would think she was playing and he would go up to her and do his play dance and then nip at her…
so no im not worried about rabies.

you have a bigger heart than most… i would have killed it on the spot concerned about my kids and disease carrying rodents…

i probly should have elaborated… ive had it for well over the rabies gestation period prior to it being introduced into the actual apartment.

put it on craigslist, some idiot will probably take it off your hands.

yea, you could prob sell the whole package for 100-150

So you found a rabid possum? How does a ferret end up roaming around?

no lol its not a possum, the tenant downstairs i think abandoned it because they couldnt take it with them

ahhh so its abandoned … ok

well CL it man, no one here needs a damn ferret those things eat and shit too much


plus they smell to high hell if not washed in special shampoo at least 3 times a week

Still not as bad as Travis’s breath though.

no dick bag u have to have scent bag removed!!!but the pet stores normally do this before selling !!! want to ask me how i know ???

i need to have my scent bag removed…

more than likely !!! lmfao !!

you had your bag removed?:wtf

2 yrs ago naow !!!lol shootin blanks baby !!!lol

i need to do the same thing