Pet Peeves

People who have kids when they aren’t ready.

Kids driving around in POS cars with their radios maxed out listening to Rap.


Telemarketers in general but the ones who call during dinner time really piss me off.

Fat people who have no reason to be fat.

People who smoke in public, with kids in the car, etc.

I had a fucking guy in a F250 Kingcab with a 4 place enclosed trailer pull out infront of me from a parking lot while I was on a 45mph road in my Gf’s Saab. I locked up/abs kicked in, luckly nothing was coming head on, becasue thats where I had to go becasue there was a fucking wire/concrete guard rail and a cliff!!! All that just to go 60 feet down the road and wait at the red light. I was very close to geting out of my car.

this thread is great. helps me vent :rofl

I thought it would help me vent too, but I shortly found out it just get me even more enraged.

People who are natives of upstate NY yet still cannot drive correctly when it snows.

Whenever my dad says the roads are bad I tell him it’s the drivers, not the roads. :lol

just woke up half the library here in school bc i cracked up so hard when i read that lmao

for real dude!

Bobby Laduke

Motherfucking new guy at the gym tonight that decided to come over and stand behind me when I was doing DB press because he thought I needed a spot. Then laughed when I did the set until failure.

probably a queer trying to make friends. Most gyms are swarming with them.

thankfully this has never happened to me

im surprised to NOT see my name on here :lol

People that just have to block off the only diesel pump even though every other pump at the station is free to pump gasoline, then they go inside and decide they need a pack of smokes, some lottery tickets, and something to stuff down their fat little face. I GET SO PISSED POSTING IN THIS THREAD ARRGHHHH!!!

yes!!! i feel the same way. what kinda twuck you got?

“hay guyths, do you know whats going on tonight at LVD??”

“da TWUCKS are racing!!1”


It’s actually a van, it’s an 03 sprinter. just turned 295xxx on the clock.

nice, i’ve got a 00 golf TDI, just turned 148,000.


…you dont remember asking the dudes in the trailer at LVD when we saw that monster truck BS “whats going on here tonight?” and they said “da TWUCKS are racin” ??? :rofl

yes i know fully remember this.

A-holes that snow blow their driveway into the fkn street. Every time I see this I try to wish a fatal snow blower accident upon them.