PFC Hatch at Import Face Off

ah, ok 9500 limit changes things. the math shows exactly 142mph possible at 9500 with that b16 transmission. maybe 143 leaving some room for error. so definitely possible. he must have been cutting it close at the end there. our tranny at 9300, doing the math, should let us go 148, though i dont think we are going that fast when it cuts us, but i could be wrong. when we were predicting how the car would do on a full pass based on times and differences in speeds from previous runs of just first half pulls and just second half pulls we figured we were going to trap just under 150…we just didnt think it was going to get to that speed so quickly. we very well may be going 148 when it cuts us. we cant tell exactly from the hondata software because the numbers for the speedo are based off a different diameter tire so its inaccurate. all we have to go on is the trap speed at the track and since we are slowing down before we get there we have no idea how fast we are actually going lol. i was thinking around 145 but the math says 148…regardless, we clearly need more rpm to finish out the last bit of track. id be stoked to trap a 150 this next time…and pissed at the same time cuz we will have to get a chute… lame. as long as we get the times we want, i couldn’t care less about the traps.