Photos from Markham, Gentry Lane Lotus...

fucking invite the sti guys too!

Next time, for sure, Rob.

:lol: @ cariper paint


You should have went…


you + steve + me = wouldn’t fit in your lotus


you + steve + me = wouldn’t fit in your lotus


could you really deal with steve and joe together for a whole day? i mean really…


you + steve + me = wouldn’t fit in your lotus


wouldn’t be the first time steve has sat on a dudes lap… either that or joe could sit on your lap and drive, at least then he wouldn’t need a phone book to see over the dash… :ohnoes:

Round eye buy cariper paint for his rotus.


could you really deal with steve and joe together for a whole day? i mean really…


it would have been a whole day of

“yea your mom joe”
“yea your sister steve”

Sean, Evolve, Chino, you can all go eat a bag of dicks.

We were actually quite civil this time. It’s you guys that fuck us up…

Hot stuff!..and no…im not talking about you Joe

i am always tempted to go into gentry lane and just fuck with those dudes.

There’a salesman there, he’s 25, named Carl, and he is a real cool guy. A real car guy.

Is that soy sauce chicken?? ummm i love soy sauce chicken. Can I borrow Kamakazee Cumface?

my iX is from markham, and like dirty said some pretty sick skateing up there