pieces in falling into place to attack iran? interesting

But staying in Iraq won’t cost any money at all. :roll2: McCain agrees with most of the Bush/Cheney war policies that are already costing this country billions.

Which I feel is money well spent at this point, much better than trying to fund healthcare especially.

But that’s not the point of this thread. We’ve debated the war and health care enough in other threads and no one who has done their research is going to change their mind. The point is get yourself educated on where these candidates stand. If you think universal health care is a good idea after researching how it works and how much it costs in other countries at least you’re making a decision based on logic. Don’t give me this, “McCain = Bush, Hillary = Bitch, so I have to vote Obama” bullshit.

I tend to put a lot of weight in the debates, and more importantly, the post debate fact checking. It’s very difficult to BS your way through a debate especially when within hours of it ending 1000’s of people are debunking everything you said. Instead of the canned speeches that are rehearsed and planned word by word you get candidates having to answer based on what they know and how they really feel.

at this point we have to finish what we started. Backing out now doesn’t do anybody any good.

I made the Iowa/NH thread our official election '08 thread. Feel free to keep the election, dems vs republicans, obama vs mccain banter in there and stay on the topic of us invading Iran here. :tup:

The thing about Iraq is, there is always the option to pull out.
With national National health care there is no turning back no matter how many trillions are wasted or civilian lives are lost.

We should always pull out. I do think this is just a response to them playing with us. Even though just getting that ship & sub there most likely will cost more then I will make in my lifetime.

