pieces in falling into place to attack iran? interesting

once again that was not a declaration of war. nowhere did it say it was a declaration of war. and once again he doesnt need congress approval to put troops in iran, he can and will say fuck congress like he has been throughout his presidency

The only reason they are looking /wanting to is the same as Iraq.Iran is threatening to change over to Euros for Oil.
Look it up

Well you see, part of it is that I don’t really believe much of anything that politicians say. Not that any of them have ever gone back on something they said during their campaign after they got elected.

It’s not that I’m proud of ignorance. It’s more that I don’t believe that what they say that they personally believe in will translate in into action in the White House. Do you really think this country will ever see universal health care? I don’t. Not if McCain’s elected. Not if Obama’s elected. Not if Hillary’s elected. The President’s not a dictator. In a way it makes more sense to me to vote for the party than the party’s point man.

list of formal declared wars and then a list of “conflicts” the last formal declared war by the U.S. was world war II

No shit sherlock, but you tried to say Congress didn’t authorize the use of force in Afghanistan.

Really, there needs to be some sort of quiz before we allow people to graduate from Honda Fan Boy posting to the politics section.

If you honestly believe that you probably shouldn’t be voting at all. Presidents may not be dictators but they have great control over the direction the country heads. If Hillary/Obama are elected will we see 100% universal health care? Probably not. But they will royally fuck up the budget trying. You’re a smart guy, please take some of the time you waste thinking up your useless wity comments for 95% of the serious threads on here and take some time to really read about the issues before the election. If you still want to vote “not repubican” fine, at least you’ll be making an educated decision.

lol, “you cant just jump on the ring cuz you think you can box!”
“that guy knows i can box!”

Jays on a rampage.

But I wholeheartedly agree with everything he says in this thread

it all started with that that quote and me telling him that we dont need to declare WAR…WAR!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!! I said congress didnt authorize WAR not “conflict” im not saying they never authorized him nething at all. And ONCE AGAIN, he is allowed to put troops wherver he wants, you cannot argue that point, holy shit

There’s always Canada.

I’d have to say in regards to politicians I don’t believe a word anyone running for the presidential position says. They are selling themselves. Who ever is a better sales person to the stupid masses generally wins. I do believe in the party though. Generally speaking they will follow their parties “rules” because they have to. They are forever indebted to their party for allowing them the chance to become the president. Therefor they will follow their party’s guide lines in order to appease them.

All in all for this election I hate the democratic choices. They act like they are going to change the world. Even if the president tried to make huge changes his hands would be tied. It would never happen. There are far too many old school guys still in office that would never allow these changes. Hell if the president tried hard enough they might even kill him. Its not about the people, its about the people who have money. Money wins, thats a fact. I have provided you with this chart to prove it.


hahah thats all the proff i need. The original rockefellar on the federal reserve board said “give me control of a nations currency and i care not who makes its laws”. money is the real root of all evil.

Oh hey guys whats going on? I was just looking for my tin foil hat(to keep them out ya know) but it seems i have lost it. Would one of you be willing to send me a new one? KKTHANXTTYL!!!

:lol: @ I have a chart to prove it. Nice.

they already did last year.

i’ve discussed this already.

declarations of war, politicians sponsoring this and that, weapons to hamas… all meaningless.

it all begins and ends with the dollar.

Obama is awesome… and so he will be killed or marginalized.

America has non-nuclear subs?

It’s funny, first people try to claim that Joint Resolution 23 gave Bush the power to send troops anywhere he wants, including Iran or Iraq. Then they claim he fabricated all this evidence to go to war with Iraq so he could get Congressional approval. If JR 23, which was authorized just after 9/11, gave him power to invade anyone he wants why would he go through all the effort to fabricate evidence against Iraq?

As with most conspiracies it only works if you hand pick your “evidence” and ignore the mountains of evidence that is to the contrary of your theory.

This is just more sabre rattling in response to Iran playing chicken with one of our destroyers last month.

its highly unlikely bush will do anything that could be considered controversial. his cohorts will have him on a leash in hopes of getting another republican elected.

contrary to popular belief the economy has done quite well since 9/11 with bush in office. and even though there are signs of a pending recession, the economy currently is not in the shitter by any means.

one of the wonders of a voluntary military is that you dont have to be a soldier if you dont support the governments decisions. they wont “turn” on the government, rather they just wont re-enlist. and even though you dont believe iran is a threat, im betting the majority of soldiers would be more than happy to put their life on the line in iran, just like they were in iraq, because they believe in america. the decisions of the administration have nothing to do with it.

these are pessimistic views from the bush mongering crew. its ok to disagree with bush and what he has done. but atleast see things how they are rather than how you think things have become based on bush’s decisions.

Nice post.
I will respond with this; Bush isn’t going anywhere, if he stirs up enough shit he will be staying in the Whitehouse.
(Where the hell is that tinfoil hat smiley we supposed to get?)

Oh come on. Sometimes I post pics.

Anyhow, I agree that I should be more educated. What would you suggest I read?