Pinks 2

why dont we just have another pinks…if pittsburgh wins we get the board back…i dont know what nyspeed would get because theres no way quik can lose :slight_smile:

X26382924594029084236!!! What would represent us?

Do they have their own Quik??

we need to put a tent over this circus!

When are you morons going to let this go?

I just really enjoyed the first pinks episode pittspeed style…of course when pittspeed was still cool…


When excited, I can produce bright light at will from my fingertips.

It was a shame that Aaron was apparently being raped or something during the photo.

:rofl: the good times from that episode lol

be a man on national intrawebz, nyspeed!

I agree… So you get it back, who is going to step up and pay for hosting/hardware? Oh wait that stuff is free right?

Spangler looks like the kid from the special olympics motivational poster in that pic.

jeff looks like he found a nickel on the ground.

x2 belly FLOOP


looks like someone is sleeping with the enemy

What enemy?

I just don’t understand what is so hard about accepting the change in the forum. If it wasn’t scooped up by someone else, it would be kaput eventually anyway. Which is worse? Owned by another forum group, or completely shut down?


+2 internetz to you, good sir.

Just to piss of danhr, I’ll host it. Free even. I’ll discuss my terms AFTER you losers “win” it back. rollseyes

fire… die in it.

that will really piss me off.

U wasnt here back in day day,so STFU

You’re welcome.


we have a right to bitch… Bitch !