Pinstripe removal?

Searched on google and some other places and have found mixed reviews and techniques. I have a 02 silver civic that has the gayest hand painted on blue and gray pinstripe down the side of it. Ive heard wetsanding then cut and buffing it. Ive seen people use paint thinner and a sponge or rubbing compound and a rag or a dremel and polishing tips which i tried today and didnt work the slightest bit.

Its above the clear coat and today ive managed to remove the entire drivers side and trunk of it.I used a simple rag/ rubbing alcohol and some elbow grease and it came off decently easy.

But the passenger side refuses to come off no matter what I do. I tried using paint thinner and a rag, rubbing compound and a rag, dremel and polishing tip etc. I scraped some of it off very carefully with a razor blade but it would take hours up hours and wouldn’t completely come off. The paint seems a little bit thicker on that side but I got a small area off with a sponge and some rubbing alcohol but not its starting to scuff my clear coat.

any tips or tricks on which I havent stumbled upon yet that are relatively paint friendly?

any insight would be appreciated. and lets keep the asshatery to a minimum in this thread because im sick of simple threads going to shit over nothing.

you need plastic razor blade, it’s safe on paint. i’ve tried this, works awesome.

What about an eraser wheel?

nelstoys. pm him.



He only knows how to get it put on…never removed it I am sure

You couldn’t get it to budge with a stronger cutting compound?

It was budging with some old school turtle wax rubbing compound but soo was my clear coat lol

---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 PM ----------

hm interesting. I wonder if this would work for a painted on stripe though and not an adhesive strip type?

Ive tried a polishing wheel and it literally did nothing besides blend the damn paint into my clearcoat.

I took off vinyl stripes with a hair dryer, worked fine.

these are hand painted on…

How gay are these stripes? Do you go out to your car in the morning and find them blowing random dudes in the driveway? Because that’s pretty gay.

That is exactly what they do , you must have them too lol

Ahh nvm missed that portion

an eraser wheel removes glue residue from moldings and pinstripes etc. not even close to a polishing wheel. try and get one of those

which one exactly would be good to use? and wheres a good place local to get one?

auto finishers on transit maybe- napa?

Post a pic of the car so we can photo shop it off just to make sure you are happy with the results

yeah, better safe than sorry.


What polisher are you using? I can’t imagine a DA cutting through your clearcoat before removing the pinstripe.

You sir, deserve a beer for that one.