pistol permit, new gun advice etc

Wayne, I say we buy some land in VT, build some homes, a giant barn to house our addiction, and commute in to work every day?

im in for this too, why u leavin me out wtf :clap



Singh wtf, no hard feelings man, but we’re moving so the cops WONT find us. Not so the unabomber can blow up our spot… no pun intended lol. :rofl :hug

There is a shooting range just down the road from me, $50 a year, my friend shoots his AR15 there. I keep telling him he needs a gun rack for the back window of his WRX.

:lol w/e man

u either are with me, are not with me !!

:banghead i forgot the rest of the saying

lol we need to go shooting soon singh!

About time i hop on this thread. As many of you probably know i am very pro gunner. But, i dont think every person should be out carrying a handgun, there are wat too many variables to get into when it comes to handguns. Think abour some guy having a handgun at a bar drinking and a fight breaks out. First of all u cant drink anything and carry your ccw, second of all, almost every dickhead out there wants to play macho superhero and would probably 99% of the time want to intimidate or whatever the other person, this is the wrong way of thinking, even if its just mentioning you have a ccw. Im pretty sure the statistics say that you will more than likely have your own weapon used against you. I could go on forever about firearms and i am very progunner.

well put man, i 100% agree.

man i agree with you for sure, i dont have the energy and time to really explain my self properly on the forums, i just take all this shit as a joke anyways so if im setting off the wrong vibes by saying i want a pistol permit and u think imone of those dudes just trying to carry it everywhere and get it used against me lol im not but nothing i can do to prove it so its all good

thanks for the heads up , i really feel the same way tho

ya dude i wanna shoot fun shit, shit that gets all fucked up, electronics seem to be really good

come up here to our woods and shoot with us, its mad fun, can go all day

No singh i didnt think you were like that, i have went over firearm issues with people a million times over, theres just too many factors when it comes to americas 2a rights. Theres a huge diff. in rights and privleges, except some libs in the USSAR do not see it that way anymore.

kind of like what I was thinking…thank you!!
