Pistool permit..

[QUOTE=drvnkd;2358415]How important is taking the class within x time of applying?
I took the class 5 years back, but never bothered as I was moving around the area a bit and did
not live in the same place for more than a year or so.

That and how do you go about getting references when you actually know zero hand gun owners?[/QUOTE

You would have to retake the course again, to much time as passed.

Also you don’t need people who have permits, you just need 3 solid references. People just say it looks better to have them.

You need 4 references for Erie county.

LOL Really? Do we live in the wild wild west? Is a gun fight going to break out at Pier 1? Is someone going to pull a knife on you at the neighborhood homeowner’s association meeting?

Whatever. I’m against gun control so I’m not trying to say you shouldn’t be able to do what you want. I just find it odd when middle class people of reasonable enough intelligence to not go walking down dark alleys in the ghetto at 2AM find a way to convince themselves that they need to be packing heat for when shit hits the fan like it did in that Wesley Snipes movie they saw on their monthly double date with their college tennis partner and his wife.

And no I don’t have fire insurance or wear seatbelts. I’m sick of being avoided as antisocial nutter for bringing my insurance policy to family fun day at Darien Lake, and you never know when a seatbelt will accidentally discharge.

Remember that carjacking on Parker and Sheridan?
Tonawanda is rough yo!

In general I think it’s more about being able to carry and not need it than a fear of general safety.
The closer you get to ‘the county’ the more you fell it’s needed.



I had two people with permits and two people without for my application.

Like others have said, it’s more about having 4 people with solid backgrounds, or even not so solid backgrounds.

When I say “not so solid”… this was one of my references: http://www.buffalonews.com/city/article196566.ece. That’s my next door neighbor who I’ve known for 8 years and never thought for a million years would be involved in something like that. While my application was being processed he was arrested. :lolno: I still got approved.

So was she hot?

Im going to be pissed if I get denied due to a bad ref. you think you know someone til you need them as a ref on your gun permit

nothing will get you out of a possible “jumping” faster than when you say, “ok, theres 6 of you? grab 7 more and we’ll have a fair fight” while refering to your waist line

I prefer “Say hello to my little friend.” That lets bad guys know that things are about to go really bad for them.

just called BGC and was told its only about 4 months now to get your permit. how much BS is this? As far as I know Jay was the last person on here to get one in Feb and it took him a lil over a year.

:picard: Fry… I don’t even know where to begin.

I just know that I value my life enough to protect it. If something ever does happen to you, I hope the police get there to help within the first 15 seconds.

lol I ain’t skurred.

The way I see it, I can carry a gun in my waist band for 20 years and NEVER have to use it, but that one day when my family and I are sitting in my living room watching a movie and 3 burglars bust through the door and I protect my family, that gun will have paid for it self ten fold.

Dude that’s fucking paranoid.

I’m going to call huge BS just because it has NEVER been that fast in Erie County, even before the “Obama rush”. I suppose it’s possible that Erie County realized this was a revenue generator and actually hired an extra person or two for the permit office. That still leaves the portion that’s done by the local PD though, and the Amherst detective who did mine said he was just swamped with applications to go through.

Bottom line, who cares how long it takes. You’ve been talking about this since 2007.
2007: http://www.nyspeed.com/showthread.php?24662-Any-GLOCK-Owners-on-the-board
2008: http://www.nyspeed.com/showthread.php?52535-Gun-guys…-step-in-please…-buying-my-first-gun&p=983315&viewfull=1#post983315
2009: http://www.nyspeed.com/showthread.php?46014-best-place-to-buy-ar15-m16-rifle&p=1245511&viewfull=1#post1245511

If you would have just got off your ass and got the application in you’d have the permit by now. It’s a tiny amount of work and a whole lot of waiting for a letter in the mail. :slight_smile:

really not a pain in the ass.

i took a class, i can give you the info…lady at my work teaches it…you get the application there, notarized by them and a certificate that you took it…mail it in…they DO check your references… 9 months ish later …voila

WTH: 4 references.

lol you dont have to bring up the past. I know im terrible. I actually paid for the class 2 years ago and never went. going the second weekend in oct so you can stop being mean to me lol

wrong place