did your parents ever use a period? i couldnt even understand the jibberish in that so called sentence…anyways…carry on.
Thank you
Can we close this thread yet???
not to sound like a dick jeff but like you go into a restaurant and they say smoking or non you got smokers on this side non on this side but the smokes everywhere in the atmosphere so the smoking section dont really work either
The real issue is the safety of the workers.
Restaurants and bars are not public places. As a patron, you don’t have to be there. And you don’t have the right to sit in a smoke-free environment if you choose to go there. Some restaurants (McDonalds for example) choose to be smoke-free because there was a customer push, not a government mandate.
The workers have to be there. Is the owner responsible for providing an environment that won’t cause harm to the employees? To protect employees, offices are smoke free. Coal mines have regulations on air quality. The argument for restaurants and bars as a smoke-free workplace is the only one that makes sense to me.
(Of course, you can counter with having the employees sign a waiver or choosing to work somewhere else…)
Nahh never once did i learn what a period was…
I’m with these twat waffles. Bars and restaurants are privately owned. The government has no right to tell business owners that they can’t smoke a cigarette in their own bar. The government is stripping away our rights just slow enough that we don’t notice. Wake up you stupid faggots.
I agree with this douche bag
that guy is def a douche bag 4sure ! i dunno why he even comes around
For Pittspeed girly nudes
Who do you want?
Female Boobies
Show me yer boobies
There is something wrong with this picture. I see your fist, and I see Glenn Beck’s face. For some strange reason, the former is not impacting the latter at a high rate of speed.
This guy knows about freedom…he recently became a lifetime member of the NRA.
Awesome, welcome aboard. Now you need to join GOA and contribute to JPFO too.