pittspeed (car cruise? oh noes.)

The events in the past have been hanging out on General Robinson St, hanging out in strip district, hanging out in the lots at the stadiums and hanging out in the Circle at PNC Park. All of the times that has happened it has never once been a pittspeed event. its been people from pittspeed and others hanging out.

In this case, you pay 5 dollars to the parking lot people. This allows you to be there and gives power to pittspeed to make sure things go well. All we want is people to have fun and hang out without problems.

Since you insist there has to be a better way, please let Starboy or myself know of that better way. Because Starboy’s idea of the better way was to sanction a place for people to get together. This is what he did, and it should be a great time! So what if you pay 5 bucks. I guarantee you spend more then that on gas when having to relocate because of the police.

You people all need to relax. I just told you I agree on the points you brought up.

Who is not relaxed? Welcome to a forum where you have a threaded discussion. You obviously are good at make comments with no backing ideas. My question to you was “What is the better way?”

Totally undetrstand, were both of you are coming from. Slowmaro I know exactly what your point is on this clearly (thought about it alot before doing this). But as whitey stated, this is the best and cheapest way I can think of. The only reason we pay is pretty much to be in a controled enviroment. We “MIGHT” (big might) beable to lower the price even though it is only 5 dollars. Will see how the first event goes, alot of people means alot of attention.

Thanks for everyones support though, I really hope as Zex mentioned this is the “next big thing” for weekly get togethers for not just Pittspeed, but for all pittsburgh car enthusiasts.

sounds like a great idea i will prob be there

This is the same lot as the Street Heaters cruise, correct?

yep. same spot. cant wait till friday. i hope everyone comes out and has a blast!! the recipe seems perfect. it is different from the normal cruise. i dont even like using the word cruise for this event. i am working on the 5 dollar thing. hopefully we can get it down to a buck like we did for Sundays.

ill be their

I plan to attend this shindig.

I’ll try to make it.
At first I was like $5, fuck that… but your right, to not worry about cops seems worth it.

We should be making it out.

I was talking about the run in I had with a bike the last time I was down at the stadiums. I was about half way up the street from the red light and started to cross. I bike takes off from the end and is on it full bore (at this point I had already started to cross). The guy was on me in no time and it took me running across the street to not get ran down. The guy never even got out of the gas.

Not to mention the guys in the lot running the Toyota cone track right next to where Mac, Beth, Slomaro and I were standing.

Thanks to starboy for doing all of the leg work on this :slight_smile:

i wanna go but i have noidea where this place is

I’m sure Nick will post up some directions. I would like to see you finally make it out to something. I’m tired of passing you all the time :slight_smile:

well now i have a job and some money i can start hanging out more ! so yeah i will be there


did the price change Nick cuz it says there $2.00 ?

I think you can count me in…


its 5 bills for now. but i am working on that.