Pittspeed.com BBQ! Date Info!

apparently reading isn’t a strong point for you, cheeks will be in michigan :idb:

give them to cheeks he will give them to me, if they make it to the BBQ.

Don’t know if I’ll make it. May have to work and a 40 minute drive… yikes.

:rofl: brownies passing through the hands of 2 fat kids. yeah, we’ll see those :rolleyes:


i plan on attending so if anything else is needed please let me know and i’ll do what i can.

I have sports equip if needed i.e. horseshoes and a football.

Is there one of them thar rain dates? Weather.com says scattered t-storms.

yeah as long as it fits in some one elses car. like mine or sams or Joe’s… i miight just drive the xterra

people… bring your baseball gloves and some baseballs. football any one? basketball courts?

joe has a truck…so we’ll have the room…and u best be taking the WS6 fool

ill grab my glove now

id deff be up for some baseball or football…im kinda too short for basketball though =(

who’s bringing wings and sweetcorn? and a way to cook them.:wtf:

sweetcorn can be grilled or bring a medium to large pot and take the handle off then fill it with water and put it on the grill…doesn’t take long to boil. i cook brauts like that with a couple of beers

i got a glove and like 10 or more baseballs and a nfl size football and basketball and horseshoes…guess i’ll bring them all

i also have a game called cornhole. ever hear of it?

hooray for Michigan! look out for the roads, they’re worse than PA. But everybody drives at least 75 as a plus.

Pretty sure I’ll make it out, but not sure of a time.

Bring the cornhole setup for sure, I’ll play all day

There’s some signature material! :kekegay:

Anyone down to have a horse shoe tournament?

haha i work on sunday but i am trying to switch days with somebody… or else i am calling off