Pittspeed.com BBQ! Date Info!

Still need:

Vegetable Tray and could always use more of:

Water , Pop, Hot Dogs, Paper Plates, Chips, Fruit, Utensils Etc.,

I’ve got the water covered and I’ll bring some chips and other stuff as well. I’ll bring 3 cases of water.

im def coming with my other half and the two rug rats, plus her sister and her fiance, and my friend and his fiance, maybe more…we will see. I got about 70 chicken breasts in the deep freezer waiting for this occasion, hope thats enough.

Ill bring some sports equipment(football, volleyball, whifile ball and bat, frisibe, and anything else i can find)

ok well I see this is gonna be a bbq and noone said anything bout bbqd stuff Im thinkin ribs, bbq ribs… so good make you wanna smack yo momma!!

I just put the order in for 12 cases of pop and 10 cases of water, I think that should be good, if not I’ll order more

I can bring the burger and hot dog buns too

i won’t know until a week before the bbq, but to whomever is bringing soda… giant eagle has pepsi 2 liters 10 for $10. i will contribute when i find out for sure if i can have the time off work

it’s on sale this week. a little early to stock up, but it’s a good deal

I will bring plates, cups, utensils.

I guess I can bring the veggie trays and some actual BBQ items like ribs or chicken or something.

i’ll bring more pop or and some burger buns

is this a BYOB event? I had to ask.

no alcohol


Probably best for you Guffy, given your past Pittspeed party experience :stick:

i’m not driving

and would u learn to spell my name already :stick:


Lil bit O’jack and coke in a cup and they would neevr know…


I like the way you think my man. I think I’ll have some premixed Jack and cokes in bottles for myself and I just may let you get one for the brilliant Idea.