Pittspeed.com BBQ! Date Info!

i can bring some burgers or buns if they are still needed…just let me know which one.

Even though I’m new around here and don’t know anyone, I am really thinking about going.

hell yah why not. This only happens once a year.

Well, my leave dates have been changed so I’m not going to make it this year. If it’s around the same time next year I’ll make that one. Hopefully I’ll have a new car by that time. I won’t be home till October now, maybe I’ll try and meet some people around at other little meets if their still going on at that time. Too bad, sounds like fun this BBQ day thing. :frowning:

What do we need still?!?!

This is coming up fast…I’ll have to start looking for deals on shrimp!

Giant Eagle has 2 lb bags for $12 right now with an advantage card. (normally $20)

I can bring some burgers and buns since no one signed up for that yet. I’ll get one of those 32 packs.

I’ll get burgers you get buns?

Good look!

I can bring mustard, ketchup, relish, and hot sauce! Franks Red Hot—yumm put that on anything and it tastes f’amazing!

I stocked up with 4 lbs of shrimp on wednesday. :yum:

People should bring some coolers and ice, too. I’ll bring one if I can jam a cooler in the back of the vette.

Anyone bringing fried chicken yet i can cover that if need be Im not talking bout KFC either

greeeeekkkk salad yaaahhh!

I should be able to bring some ice and a cooler. I’m hoping I can buy one of those small tubs and just throw a bunch of ice into it.

A bunch of ice isn’t going to fit into a small tub…:booty:

That’ll work, or a medium trash can (new of course)

what else is needed/left? i just found out i will def be able to make it. or should i just chip some cash?

i can bring a couple of coolers with me if needed

Mods, please update post #1:

32 Hamburgers and buns - obi-1
32 Hamburgers and buns - tegSimple
