Is that Frappr thing still up? that would be a good way to try to pick a park. The cruise would be neat, but since its a BBQ, im sure everyone would like to sit and be comfortable and stuff


Your the man putting it together Nick, so IMO its up to you where the location ends up. Beth and I will be out regardless.

I would go to the street heaters cruise but honestly I would much rather have it at a park so we can play football and I mean if Pewter happens to get his shirt ripped off again, what would the masses say? :kekegay:

ok, everyones leaning on the park deal, so im thinking the new monroeville park. The date will be set in stone soon. July 22nd, think that will give eveyone sometime to call off if needed.

^^^Boyce? Is that what you’re referring to?

no. reffering to the Newly built Monroevile Park West. I have pictures ill post in a sec.