Pittspeed.com on the Job

Most are users, but general use with macs can cause dick loads of problems. Most are caused by pple installing to much shit.

probably 90%(80% stupid usage questions 10% OS problems) software 10% hardware problems.

Senior Software Support Analyst (basically technical support)

manager at giant eagle

at http://www.swindelldressler.com/

I work in a phonebank listening to people bitch all day long about how their accounts are negative…

just quit ‘b2b banking rep’ for ‘asst direct of admissions’ at a university

woo hoo titles:rofl:

ugh i did that outta college for a couple months, miserable work jenn :hs: :love:

right now primary jobs seems to be leeching

I’m a business tech/ landscaper until nov, then I get to be the bitch at south hills lincoln merc :stick:

meh, it’ll pay for my college in a couple of months- so i think i can stick it out… plus at the rate im ‘learning’ i cant dsee me putting up with stupid bs for much longer before i get to learn some new departments. :slight_smile:

i do need trouble shooted often…

tow truck driver.

landscape foreman/equipment operator/truck driver/nursery foreman/lawn crew forman and mechanic and maintenance person. and loafer. that’s most of what i do at my job, also do alittle landscaping on the side

precast manager at a concrete company. handle accounts involving stormwater and sanitary sewage structures. mostly municipalities and new developments.

spark maker


Electrical Designer http://www.orbitalengr.com

Part Time Student CCAC

manage a restaurant

school/advanced auto parts

exhibit design

I am a printer…(graveyard shift) I print payroll checks so the next time you get you check just think I was leanin on the press sleeping while it was made