Pittspeed.com on the Job

are you working at pitt?

:finger2: :wtcslap:

:bowrofl: at least i’m consistant… hating on mac’s since '92

That hatred runs deep.

I never liked mac’s when I had to first start using them. Then recently I had to use one at school because all the pc’s were in use. It took me 5 mins to figure out how to get on the internet. Then after I finally pull a page up the thing freezes on me. It was the only program I had running so it can’t be user error.

Sorry but in my world only thing a mac has over a pc is it looks pretty, but I’d rather have something stable than pretty looking displays.

I got lucky when i started here, I started as a consumer loan specialist ( so I didn’t get those calls that often ) then quickly moved up to where I am now…you’ll get to do the same.

Work @ best buy hooking “kicka’s” up
also full time student electrical engineer technology @ califorina PA… almost done

My G5’s at work are as stable as it gets dude, don’t judge a mac based on one at a school thats probally beat to shite. Ha ha, speaking of, I’m in the middle of opening up a 4 gig pshop file, I have a rendering cooking, and I’m browsing the interweb, heh heh.

mac’s suck

telephone and data guy. in fact we just supplied a shit load of bandwidth to the site youtube


I guess it is funny to pay as much for a computer as a decent used car. I’m about to take my lunch break, heh heh.

haha… i’m not going to argue with you because it doesn’t seem like its worth the time… but i assure you that macs (windows as well) is not as stable as it gets!!! i work on mainframes that have been up for years… including ‘patching’ and migrations to new hardware… depends what the computer is setup to do… and at any rate, i’ve yet to come across real world experience that even showed macs to be superior in any way… other than what makes you look like the most yuppie faggort in starbuck evAr… :rofl:

computers are ghey anyway…

I was recently given a macbook pro to try out, I think I got a lemon because I had to force quit applications consistently and reboot a couple of times :frowning:

I’m finally no longer jobless. The temp agency called me this morning about working at a halloween store. Its only temporary, but hopefully this contruction company calls me back before I’m done working at this job.

LOL @ all the mac hate. More like Mac Ignorance.

I like everything PC/linux/MAC based… not that macs are getting me anywhere in my career

  • Im sitting here TS this messicans computer, who somehow dragged his user folder to somewhere else on his computer. I am in shock. I dont have a clue how he did this lol.

Everyone talks about how great macs are…shit, give me a dual processer 5 gig ddr xp box and I will piss all over your mac 24/7

and you’ll probably be out under the price of a mac too

no i took the other job

this makes no sense? are you benchmarking an application? a specific function? or just who has a bigger penis?

OSX as an OS is pretty bad ass. I am not a fan of MAC at all, but I give credit where credit is due.

The MAC cluster at my work is strictly badass! what they did for cluster could never be done in the windows world. They load the OS off of an ipod for christ sake! don’t be so windows prone or you will miss alot of cool shit in the computing world

you forgot MX Racer :hsdance:

I used to work in Disbursements for a NREIS…where do you work?

Thats what I am too…financial analyst