Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

do you belong to the one out there? Im at the one on 19.

yeah, my workout might not be hard enough.

I start cardio, the bike for about 15-20min to warm up.

I work on legs first, on about 4 diff machines…they get tight quick so I stretch, and work on abs and lately been throwing chest and arms in. they are not my main focus areas right now, so im not too worried about that right now… Then concentrate on abs…a few more min. on cardio and back to my leg routine…arms/chest…abs…and then do the step machine for a good 15-30 min…stretch and leave. Ive cut my cardio routine down. before I was doing about an hour of cardio/day…ive toned it down to 30-40 min a day.

I noticed last night that my legs are getting nice and tight. In the ares I need it anyway. THeres still plenty of work to be done, but lil bit at a time.

Oh and my trainer…hes a busy person. Hes just helping me out to get me where I need to be…but always seems to be too busy for me. i cant really complain much bc Im just as busy and hes always at work when I have time to hit the gym…but theres no excuse for sat/sun…:stick:

thats why I want to partner with someone whos gonna push me. Right now w/ my partner hurt we are about at the same level, which is nice bc I dont feel too weak and worthless. lol but I need someone to kick my ass…ya know?