Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

I finally joined a gym on Saw Mill Run Blvd called The Gym. It’s 30/month and has everything I could need.

i dont notice that at all…

i understand what your saying but i dont feel like i get enough when i work out for an hour. i leave feeling good…but that it was like a warm up.

maybe if my partner was more productive (hes hurt and a bit of a slacker) and my trainer would spend an hour w/ me instead of on the couch watching football or playing xbox. I guess i just need a good partner…

anyone belong to fitness 19? lol

or…you could just teach and workout too…:finger:

lol i think your dating your gf for her dad…lol

Maybe your workout isn’t too intense then. I know after an hour in the gym I am pretty beat on. What’s up with your beat ass trainer? I know when I am getting my hair cut down caste Village there was this shorter cheesy guy that would come in just to try and “pimp” on the girls…then when he left they would make fun of him.

do you belong to the one out there? Im at the one on 19.

yeah, my workout might not be hard enough.

I start cardio, the bike for about 15-20min to warm up.

I work on legs first, on about 4 diff machines…they get tight quick so I stretch, and work on abs and lately been throwing chest and arms in. they are not my main focus areas right now, so im not too worried about that right now… Then concentrate on abs…a few more min. on cardio and back to my leg routine…arms/chest…abs…and then do the step machine for a good 15-30 min…stretch and leave. Ive cut my cardio routine down. before I was doing about an hour of cardio/day…ive toned it down to 30-40 min a day.

I noticed last night that my legs are getting nice and tight. In the ares I need it anyway. THeres still plenty of work to be done, but lil bit at a time.

Oh and my trainer…hes a busy person. Hes just helping me out to get me where I need to be…but always seems to be too busy for me. i cant really complain much bc Im just as busy and hes always at work when I have time to hit the gym…but theres no excuse for sat/sun…:stick:

thats why I want to partner with someone whos gonna push me. Right now w/ my partner hurt we are about at the same level, which is nice bc I dont feel too weak and worthless. lol but I need someone to kick my ass…ya know?

I don’t go to fitness 19, I get my haircut next to the one in caste Village and the manager/trainer guys seems like he is cheesy. Girls said he always comes over trying to “pimp”. I must have misunderstood your last post about your trainer, i thought he played x-box and watched football, guess it is your partner.

Sounds like you have a very good work ethic, which is great. maybe it is time to try different exercises. Maybe switch to free weights for a change. For you arse…I would do squats (all the way down!!!) with a decently heavy weight and dumbell lunges. For all you exercises i would try either barbells or dumbells and don’t be afraid to push hard. I see a lot of girls who work hard…but do not push themselves with heavy enough weights and more reps. I always hear “I don’t want to look like a body builder…ect” But the fact is you will not, and if you do start looking too built then all you have to do is tone it down…it’s not like it is going to happen overnight.

no you didnt misunderstand…thats what I said…thats why theres no excuse for sat and sun. lol

anyways, I have to watch w/ sqwats bc my knees are bad and if I go down too far w/ to much weight I will get hurt. I have carpol tunnel in my right hand which needs surgery so I have to watch how much I left bc Ill lose feeling real quick and prob drop it.

Im gonna get a set of free weights for my house. Im getting an aprt and I have no furniture for the living room…so why not use it to work out in .lol That way I can work at my own free will.

Thanks for the imput…youre helping a lot…keep it coming.

sonya, i will get to the gym with you. but all you need is about 45 minutes of weight training and 45 of cardio. if you spoend more time then that your only 2 things,…overtraining and wasting time…i got a new job i start on the 28th, so it will free up more time…

I finally got a chance to go for an hour with a mix of cardio and weight traning. Feels good!

see what a lil bitching gets me…lol

Its cool hun, I know your busy. Do what you gotta do…making a living is more important.

Ill be at the aprt cleaning this weekend…(fingers crossed) It should be done soon so that will free up some of my time aswell.

good. i start the 28th, but it is a restaurant manager, so its 50-60 hours a week, but i get my schedule for 4 weeks at a time, so it gives me a lot of time to plan ahead.

:smiley: :bowdown: I think im gonna take this weekend off…ive come down with the funk that everyone at the bodyshop had…Im gonna work on the aprt and then rest, no gym or club for me…:frowning:

Hopefully Ill be better by Mon and can start back full force. Im thinking about going after work on my double days and getting a lil cardio in…then my gym days do about 1hr and 45/2hr and on weekends a good 2hrs

thats apx. 9-10 hours a week…is that too much?

don’t overtrain, it takes time…

…just got back from leg day, hit a new personal record for squats…i didn’t max out, i was just doing reps, but got 405 for 25 reps…

Starting to hit my stride on Benchpress…pressing some serious weight now…now I am having a sharp pain in my one elbow when benching heavy. figures, just when I start getting into some serious weight I am going to have to back off and let it heal. Oh well, I guess I am due to take it easy for a little while, cant go balls out for too long.

Ive been sick for almost a week now… flu - > viral infection - > broncitus :(… so I have not been able to exercise or play hockey for the past week… killing me hopefully getting back to pickup hockey on friday night and the gym this weekend…

lonnnnng time since i posted in here but i decided to update.

I’ve been taking a new stack that i havent tried before. Controlled Labs Green Magnitude, a magnesium-creatine blend for cell volumizing and Controlled Labs White Blood, a blood transport booster basically a nitric oxide/arginine ethyl ester supplement with no stimulants like caffeine.

So far i must say i like this stack. i been on the Green Mag for a few weeks before i got the white blood. Didnt notice a whole lot at first with the green mag, but once i started taking white blood, i’ve been pushing thru my plateau. Only thing that sucks is i have to drink water all the time and piss every 5-10 minutes but thats ok :slight_smile:

Strength has gone up rapidly for the first week i was on it. First day i took whiteblood i felt it immediately and increased on shoulder press and squats that day. been pretty good since

been struggling for almost a year now trying to push past my bench plateau. i was up around 240lbs for 4 solid reps on my heavy days before i got mono or something and it put me on my ass for a few weeks. I tried to lift but didnt go as hard. I lost abit of weight and alot of strength. Dropped to doign 205 for 6-7. pathetic

Slowly worked my way up to 225 for 5-6 and now been pushing on the white blood. Tonight i cranked out 245 for 5 and could have got 6 but i stopped. Next set i did 255 for a solid 3. I felt great. recovery seems to improve for the first rep or two after the first initial set. I did that 245, then rested for about 2 minutes maybe 3, added a few pounds and 255 felt light for the first rep, then i started feeling it on the second, and the third was all out effort to get it up :slight_smile:

I started lifting legs more seriously this past november/december and have moved from 185 for 6-7 on squats to 265 for 5-6. Ready to boost again. On the stack i think i moved rapidily from 225 to 245 in a week and a half. Everytime i go in there i am moving up a tad.

Bi’s were constant for awhile too til now. boosted alittle on them. Same with tri’s. Kinda hit another plateau on the tri’s so i’m gonna try changing things up. may do alittle different bi’s too

That’s cool you are getting back your strength and getting stronger than you were before. I am not too sure if I buy into all the NO2 hype…I mean basically they provide a pump which I am not sure how that can attribute to muscle gain. Maybe they give you a little more energy and allow you to focus more but not sure about the muscle building ability. Looking at what you described it sounds like you may have needed a rest and you rested and sometimes that will allow you to break through a plateau…if you are overtrained. Then if you are eating better and more, I know that is when I make my best strength gains. I cannot say that I ever gave a NO2 product a serious shot…I tried a few sample packets a buddy gave me…so I really can’t say I know from experience that they do not work (build muscle). I would want to give them a shot…but from what I read they will do nothing but provide a pump and I don’t want to take a chance of throwing $30 away.

i dont do volume type training at this moment, and given my current low rep range, i dont experience any pump yet. maybe alittle bit on bi’s but i always get that regaurdless.

My training routine hasnt changed much since last summer…which is probly the real reason i’m in plateaus alot. i want to go back to my rotation of high volume, then high intensity then low volume and cycle thru all that again.

I think it helps deliver more oxygen to the muscles while lifting so it makes energy boost alittle as well as strength. It has no caffeine in it, so there is not jittery energy boost like some of those NO2 supplements. thats the reason i bought this stuff. Its only 25 bucks for a 90 pill bottle. 3 per serving. I figured, shit lets try it. I’m happy so far

no2 products are amazing. i have used no-xlode, nano vaper, nano x9, no2, no2 black, and altered state. they work because they flood your blood with extra l-arginine, which is an amino acid that improves blood flow. so when you take a good amount, usually around 3-5 grams, you get more vascularity and a better muscle pump. when you have more blood flowing into your muscles, you are stronger because there is more blood in your muscles. and if your getting a no2 product for $30, it probably isn’t going to work. most premium products cost around $50 for powder, and $70-$125 for pills. it is expensive, but it is a great workout tool. it is the best supplement breakthrough since creatine.