Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

not eating isn’t the way to lose weight. eating 5-6 small meals, with good healthy calories, low fat, etc is the way to lose weight. im on a extreme diet getting ready to try bodybuilding, but i eat 10 meals a day…i have scrambled egg whites for breakfast with 2 buckwheat pancakes, then 2 hours later a protein shake, 2 hours later, another shake, small lunch, usually grilled chix/brown rice, then i drink a shake on way to the gym, another one on the way home, a can of tuna a little later, and 2-3 more shakes before i go to bed…

i mix my shakes with water, so it is only 200 calories per shake…i eat under 3000 calories, but get over 500 grams protein…