Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

i have taken that procuct for over 4 years with no problems, and i also used to take xenadrine when it had ephedra. the problem is not use, it is misuse.
Of all the people who died from taking ephedra, none were in a normal gym envoronment. korey stringer, vikings lineman, 330lbs, 100 degree summer camp, hmm, wonder why ephedra killed him? that pitcher from the marlins? same thing, and the 1 guy who did die in a gym from it was wearing a sweatsuit while in a sauna…

anything you take long term could damage your body. the key is to cycle it on/off, and drink water. i have taken supplelments for over 15 years, and never a kidney failure, stone, problem, nothing. people need to understand how to use the product. it is a shame responsible people can not use something because of idiots.

why is it when a supplement can possibly harm you, the public screams outrage, fda pulls it, etc…cigerettes, alcohol, and fast food kill more people in 10 minutes then any supplement ever will…