Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

I knew this would come up, so let’s talk about the biological value of protein. :slight_smile:

The Biological Value chart is a chart that shows how much of a given food item is utilized by the human body. BV (biological value) = (nitrogen retained / nitrogen absorbed) * 100. BV refers to how well and how quickly your body will use the protein that you consume.

Eggs have a BV value of 100%.
Chicken = 79%
Lean Beef is 80%
Fish = 83%

These values are all very similar depending on the chart you look at. Some charts will have eggs at 93.7 or 94%. No matter, eggs were thought to have the highest BV of any protein that humans consume and all other foods are rated against eggs. Once whey protein was discovered the BV scale was extended.

So what tops the list?

Whey protein. Actually Whey Protein Isolate has a BV of 157. Whey Protein Isolate is digested and is available for use by the body in as little as 10 minutes. There are some downsides to this. The easier that protein absorbs, the faster the protein is rendered useless in the body.

Timing of protein intake is critical too. Casein protein should be taken before bed, because they are slow digesting. Whey protein isolate should be taken immediately before your workout.

It is no secret that the body needs fuel for optimal growth. Timing of the nutrition is critcal so why not maximize every workout? In order to have usable protein at your 7am workout, you would have to get up and eat a chicken breast, steak, fish, or eggs at 4-430am. This interrupts the valueable sleeping cycle your body needs to recuperate. Get up at 6 have a Whey protein isolate shake and then do your workout at 7 am. Eat solid foods for the rest of the day. It’s too easy. Supplements are just that: supplements to your normal diet.