Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

Me n a few others go to the Ballys in BP,we just started back up again. Cleanquik306 tells me that i should work on what i am lacking more of what i am good at which i beleive him n know. I am good with everything but chest,i suck at chest and maxxed out at 205 our first day to get a basis for what we want. We worked chest pretty good yesterday n unfortunatley we started with military and we at about 145-165 10x 3 sets and did our reg bench last(big mistake) casue i was beat as hell and could only muster a 135 and moved down to 115(sad) but hey.i was tied from military n declin as well as incline. So next time i should do reg bench b4 hand. Every otehr lifts i am good at i guess but it’s all about time. I want to be built like a brick shithouse but he is telling me i dont wnat to:finger: . 6ft and 210-220 is what i would like to be,i am 190 now.