Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

We should all have a GYM day… Then afterwards beat the shit of eachother :slight_smile:

Pittspeed fight club


Beginning in March, I will switch from HIT (11 exercises, 1 set each to failure) to a cardio based routine. A full body circuit routine that is repeated 3 times in a half hour that includes bike riding and 15-20 reps of super setted exercises. Chest/back, tris/bis/ abs/lower back/ legs. The plan is to do this 3 days a week with cardio days thrown in between. Mainly sprinting and interval runs.

I am looking to further eliminate/cut carbs to induce ketosis for atleast a full month. Look for the test strips locally now.

The test strips will test for nitrogen and ketones in the urine. The only way to really know if you are getting enough protein and if you are burning fat for fuel.


im down for a lifting meet…reverse grip are good, and to be safe, do them on a smith machine. im so gald so many people on here are so avid about working out. does anyone here go to ballys in wexford? i go there everday, if you want a workout partner, come find me. i would be happy to share any info needed to help you get to the next step

Me n a few others go to the Ballys in BP,we just started back up again. Cleanquik306 tells me that i should work on what i am lacking more of what i am good at which i beleive him n know. I am good with everything but chest,i suck at chest and maxxed out at 205 our first day to get a basis for what we want. We worked chest pretty good yesterday n unfortunatley we started with military and we at about 145-165 10x 3 sets and did our reg bench last(big mistake) casue i was beat as hell and could only muster a 135 and moved down to 115(sad) but hey.i was tied from military n declin as well as incline. So next time i should do reg bench b4 hand. Every otehr lifts i am good at i guess but it’s all about time. I want to be built like a brick shithouse but he is telling me i dont wnat to:finger: . 6ft and 210-220 is what i would like to be,i am 190 now.

That is wierd Devin…to shoulder press that much and bench that much…for a rough estimate your shoulder press should be 2/3 of your bench…and your is the same or more. You should focus on what you are weak at but do not lose focus what you are good at. You need to structure your routine where you are not overlapping as much to optimize recovery time. For example when you bench you are hitting your shoulders…so you may want to throw in something else and a rest day in between the two. There are a million ways to structure a routine and different theories that go a long with them. You have to find one that makes good sense and that works for you.

Describe how it is weird? I think it becasue we did incline,decline n military b4 we did reg bench. M ychest is and always has been my weakest link adn i maxxed out at 205 the first day lifting in over two years. beleive me i focus on what i liek n am good at,i love working the bis,tris and legs and am very good at them i think. Right now i work bis with 35-40 pound dumbells and did forarms with 40’s yeaterday,but then agian i have always liekd n been good at those adn remeber i am just startiong up again after a long time off…

A Wide® grip puts more emphasis on the pectorals. A narrow grip puts more emphasis on the triceps. Try going with a wider grip.

I found the value of a wider grip during the Army Physical Fitness test. I used to do pushups with a shoulder width hand position. I would hit failure around 45 and get a terrible score. Once I spead my hand position much wider I was able to do close to 100 pushups in 2 minutes. I use close grip bench press exclusively for triceps. For all other benching I use a very wide grip.

U know what,come to think of it,i tryied a wider grip on my last set and it was easier on reg bench and i ddint feel it on my tris as much but by that time i was tired as hell n sore. When we work chest again on mon i will try a wider grip.

It’s weird b/c no matter how beat you are your bench press should always be decently stronger than your shoulder press. That seems to be a serious weak spot for you. To shoulder press 165 for 10 reps is pretty impressive (if they are in good form)…that would usually merit a max Bench Press over 300 lbs for most people. But for you I would focus on Bench since it is lagging so far behind while doing so also focusing on the big lifts. I limit isolation work in my workouts…for example I only do 3 sets a week for bi’s and tri’s. Considering how hard they get hit on a Bench or a back day. Also forearms…I would maybe do some grip work…but doing shrugs, DL’s, rows, ect will hit your forearms pretty hard. …I wouldn’t really focus on them, other than grip work (farmers walks). To me it is a waste when you can be doing some big/powerful exercises like squat, rows, cleans, clean & presses, DL’s, ect that really pack on muscle at a fast rate.

Ya, bench has never been a good spot for me,i have always been so so on it and most i ever did was 265 maxxed two years ago. I do have serious issues with it and don’t know y but like i sadi,i am just getting back into it. Tri’s get pretty hard when we do dips and overheads. I need to focus more on the benches like u said but i hate it when i am benching nothing but almost air so it seems to me,i nkow in due time it most likely be more weight uped but for now it is sad. Everything else is just fine for me but i want to pack on alot more muscle in my arms,chest n tris.

Well for not lifting for a while 205 is a half decent max…so just do everything right…get a decent routine with sleep and a solid diet and results will come. I was about 185 a couple of years ago and now I weigh 212 as of today…butt ass naked in the morning.

I odn’t really “diet” pursay but i don’t eat fast food nearly as much(once a week) and don’t eat as much as i did b4,hell i hardly drink beer anymore except for the weekends as well.

To pack on size you want to eat roughly 6 times/day…all while tring to keep is pretty clean to help limit packing on fat. It is pretty hard to do this and takes some planning but it can be done. But in reality if you just try to eat more than you normally do and somewhat clean you will see the weight go on.

ya but i want muscle weight,not fat:doh:

Actually it IS important to eat more in the day…like more small meals…of course your focus would to be eating foods that contain more energy calories ( I think that is an okay way to state it ) vs. fat calories though you need a decent percentage of both.

man,i can only do so much.lol

That will pack on muscle…like i said to mimit fat gain…when trying too add size it is very hard to do so w/o gaining fat unless you have great genetics or are on the juice. Also eating more times per day revs you metabolism up.

We got a treadmill last night an I walked 2.5 miles this morning.