Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

I don’t really but there is alittle bit there I wouldn’t mind taking off…though I have already noticed a difference since the start of my workouts in the past couple weeks.

whats the workout? thanks!

It is called ab excersizes, u should get out more…:stick:

Wrong…spot reducing is a myth…and a gimmick companies use to sell their products. To rid yourself of body fat is a function of diet and burning calories.

workin out the abs tho helps burn calories in that region, combine with squats and lunges to work the ass

all a myth…working abs helps build muscles in that area…you cannot spot reduce fat.

thats weird tho…cuz i rarely do abs…only have what i got from other exercises that use abs for stabilization. And recently, i started doing more abs and crunches…getting a good burn in there and the abs started appearing. seems to me like any fat layer that is there is decreasing the more i do them. I know the muscles are gettin bigger and thus more visable but i still think its burning out, which helps

have you gotton more serious about your diet, or are working our more intense/more often?

diet? not really…i’m looking into tryin to eat as much as i can throughout the day…gettin great protein as well as carbs…along with vitamins and minerals as i take a vitamin supplement.

I’m liftin 3 days a week right now like we talked about before

but after readin you link, i wanna discuss this passage

Higher volume weight training (ie 3 sets versus 1 set of each exercise) with short rest periods of approximately 1 minutes can stimulate a greater acute growth hormone realease (Kraemer 1991, 1993; Mulligan 1996). Growth hormone is lipolytic in adults. It is hypothesized that maximal effort is necessary for optimizing exercise induced secretion of growth hormone. Growth hormone release is related to the magnitude of exertion (Pyka 1992) and is attenuated with greater lactic acidosis (Gordon 1994).

Intense weight training utilizing multiple large muscles with longer rest between sets may also accentuate body lipid deficit by increasing post training epinephrine. Intramuscular triacylgycerol it thought to be an important energy substrate following repeated 30 second maximal exercise with 4 minute recovery intervals (McCartney 1996, Tremblay 1994). Rest periods lasting approximately 4 minutes between maximal exercise exercise of very short duration is required for almost complete creatine phosphate recovery required for repeated maximal bouts (McCartney 1986).

seems like HIT program with max effort and less rest between sets will increase growth hormone production, so thats good to gain size/mass right?

and would the mutiple sets with longer rest periods type exercising be best when used with creatine since this exercising boosts epinephrine levels which boosts glucose/glycogen production in the body for increased energy? Creatine helps give energy too so would that be wise for best results to take it with this style of lifting (longer rest periods and more sets)?

whats your thoughts on this

I will lose mroe weight than anyone this year!@

not if you race me in that mr2 turd and the loser buys wings!! cuz i’m gonna lose and your eating the damn wings!

I reread this a few times and it is a learning experiance for me too. To my knowledge big heavy compound movements helped increase GH levels. For example squats are said to increase GH levels the most. I think it is saying for optimal GH release the one min rest would be the best, but for optimal creatine recovery rest periods of 4 minutes in best. If I took it correct it is kinda confusing on what path to go. 240 may be able to comment on this.

Do u bel;eive everything u read? Noty just working the abs gets rid of it yes,but u don’t know it ALL steve…geeze. Everybodys body reacts differently to eahc excersize,diet n intake…

I get my info from very reliable sources…so I would believe them. There is a ton of myths out there that companies feed off of to sell products. Spot reduction is a myth and it is proven. I am not trying to be a mr know it all…hence look at my last post…but I am just trying to help people out from what knowledge that I do have. I do realize everyone is different and needs programs that suits them…but situps do not reduce fat…diet and burning calories do…and you cannot pick a spot to burn calories from.

Spot reducing is a myth no matter how differently people respond to diet and exercise.

The layer of fat that is over the abdomen is thicker (not a myth) than the layer of fat that is over the face or triceps. When you gain weight, the fat evenly distributes itself in proportion to the existing fat.

As body fat is lost it comes off evenly almost like pulling layers from an onion. Working a particular area will improve definition of the underlying muscles but will not burn fat out from that area.

The military measures for body fat on males by measuring the abdomen and neck. Soldiers that had a body fat % that was too high were given extra physical training and were very frequently instructed to do set after set after set of multiple ab routines. Several of them were discharged from the Army because their ab muscles grew faster than they could lose body fat from their abdominal area. This effectively gave them a larger abdominal measurement while their neck measurement was shrinking due to fat loss.

brilliant! :beer:

Higher volume weight training (ie 3 sets versus 1 set of each exercise) with short rest periods of approximately 1 minutes can stimulate a greater acute growth hormone realease (Kraemer 1991, 1993; Mulligan 1996). Growth hormone is lipolytic in adults. It is hypothesized that maximal effort is necessary for optimizing exercise induced secretion of growth hormone. Growth hormone release is related to the magnitude of exertion (Pyka 1992) and is attenuated with greater lactic acidosis (Gordon 1994).

Intense weight training utilizing multiple large muscles with longer rest between sets may also accentuate body lipid deficit by increasing post training epinephrine. Intramuscular triacylgycerol it thought to be an important energy substrate following repeated 30 second maximal exercise with 4 minute recovery intervals (McCartney 1996, Tremblay 1994). Rest periods lasting approximately 4 minutes between maximal exercise exercise of very short duration is required for almost complete creatine phosphate recovery required for repeated maximal bouts (McCartney 1986).

All of these little quotes are to disprove the theory of spot reduction and support how fat is lost evenly over the entire body, or how specific exercises use fat as fuel instead of another energy source.

The first part of this talks about GH. there are many factors that influence GH production and exercise is one of them. More exercise = more stimulated release of GH. GH is produced during deep sleep (stages 3 & 4) but is stimulated by exercise. Growth hormone also enhances the utilization of fat. Exercise + Deep sleep = more growth hormone production.

Epinephrine stimulates weight (fat) loss. This equals how ephedra works.

The last part of this talks about cellular energy production and use. Exercise is anaerobic or aerobic. Energy production is effected by time and intensity of exercise.

Here is a chart that explains what the energy pathways are:

ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate: a complex chemical compound formed with the energy released from food and stored in all cells, particularly muscles. Only from the energy released by the breakdown of this compound can the cells perform work. The breakdown of ATP produces energy and ADP.
PC - Phosphate-creatine: a chemical compound stored in muscle, which when broken down aids in the manufacture of ATP. The combination of ADP and PC produces ATP.
LA - Lactic acid: a fatiguing metabolite of the lactic acid system resulting from the incomplete breakdown of glucose. However Noakes in South Africa has discovered that although excessive lactate production is part of the extreme fatigue process, it is the protons produced at the same time that restrict further performance
O2 means aerobic running in which ATP is manufactured from food mainly sugar and fat. This system produces ATP copiously and is the prime energy source during endurance activities

These energy pathways are time duration restricted. In other words, once a certain time elapses that specific pathway is no longer used.

and some more:

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) stores in the muscle last for approximately 2 seconds and the resynthesis of ATP from Creatine/Phosphate (CP) will continue until CP stores are depleted, approximately 4 to 5 seconds. This gives us around 5 to 7 seconds of ATP production.

Once the CP stores are depleted the body resorts to stored glucose for ATP. The breakdown of glucose or glycogen in anaerobic conditions results in the production of lactate and hydrogen ions.

The aerobic energy system utilises proteins, fats and carbohydrate (glycogen) for resynthesising ATP.

A HIT exercise should last for about 20-30 seconds. During the 20-30 seconds your muscles doing the work will use all the ATP, all the Phospate Creatine, AND muscle glycogen. HIT also minimizes lactic acid production, which is promoted during multiple sets. Going to failure will also help to stimulate the production of GH.

Ulitmately, there is ALOT of stuff to put together in the right combination to maximize muscular growth and developement or fat lass.

you can not target weight loss. Fat comes off as it does, no matter what you do no one area will lose fate any sooner than it would have anyway, you can tone behind teh fat that is all.

EDIT: missed the last page of this thread b4 i posted…so anyone who knows agrees, all else are wrong :finger:

the reason i believe that people think spot reduction is possible is this:

when they start to build muscle from exercising a specific area the “cuts” and striations become slightly deeper. This will help you see more definition even with the same amount of fat covering the bodypart. so they think they are losing weight when they really are not.

i just realized i havent post or read this thread in a long time.

i dont really think i have anything overly interesting to post but i have stumbled across a new exercise that i like alot.

to do it you need a waterfall squat rack which most places dont have. they look something like this:

It is a tricep exercise similar to a skull crusher but you do it in push-up fashion. -you put the bar at about shoulder level on the squat rack.
-Reach your hands out and hold the bar about shoulder width.
-then you take a few steps back.
-Flatten your back as if your doing a push up
-use the same motion as a skull crusher except the bar is stationary and your body is moving!

this exercise is a great finishing move on a tricep day.

ill go search around to see if i can find a demostration or pictures of it being performed.


I recently started a HIT type workout with cardio 5 times a week.

how im doing this hitting every body part hard with one exercise for 3x10

My sample workouts are something like this:

Speed stack and Nitric Oxide booster as a preworkout. during the workout im sipping on a BCAA/Creatine mix that i make on my own.

I start off with 30 minutes of medium intensity cardio.

Sample day:

-Squats HEAVY - 20,15,12,10 maybe a 5th set if im feeling good.
-Some type of heavy chest pressing movement
-Heavy Back movement
-Shoulder HEAVY, sometime ill do isolation movements like side raises
-Heavy Bi iso
-Heavy Tri iso

I try to switch the exercises up everyday. I will also add some smaller iso exercises for Traps, forerms. calfs and what not.

i know your wondering about abs/low back/obliques. well im going to start hitting that area on a day of its own once a week starting april.


Postworkout is just an ABB MRP shake from the gym. the only other thing i take is FLAX oil, multi-vitamin and protein before bed.
