Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

awesome…get euroturd in shape for motoX…a good thing to do is instead of sitting and watching TV just set it on a slow pace and walk while watching TV.

dunno if this was mentioned before or what
Lifting technique:
Called “21’s
Works “Biceps

What you do:
Basicly just doing curls BUT, you do lower, upper then full motion curling each doing 7 reps each. Now this is kinda hard to explain. You start off with elbows pinned to your sides. Arms down with the bar, then proceed to go half way (middle of your torso) do that seven times. Then go from middle of your torso to about a 70-80 degree angle do that seven times. Finnally finishing it off with the full curl 7 times. Do 3 sessions. I usually throw in a burn session just depends on how motivated you are. Kills your biceps, combine this workout with some skull crush’s and some other bicep/ticep workouts and your good to go.

21’s are an awesome exersize.

theres a similrar one i do for shoulders with 10lb plates.
do 10 bringing them straight out in front of you,
then 10 bringing them up to the side of you, like a T
and 10 bringing them from the side of you up to the front.

very good exersize.i suggest starting with 5lb plates though to see how you deal with the weight. it is nowhere as easy as it sounds

ever try buddy curls??? load a bar with 5lb plates, and you and your buddy keep curling. the only time one of you stop is to strip off a 5lb plate. it is around 10 nonstop sets, your arms are done.
anyway, the one guy made a good point. it is important to eat many meals throughout the day to pack on size. keep the meals small, so you don’t have excess calories sitting in your stomach. right now, i weigh around 250lbs., and i eat around 8-10 meals per day. but 3 of those are protein shakes.
if you are shoulder pressing more then you bench, it could be your routine. you should never do chest with shoulders or triceps. the reason is that both of those muscles help when you bench. you really want to do a push/pull system. for example bis/tris, quads/hams/ chest/shrugs back/tris. if you are doing chest with with shoulders/tris, you are wearing out those muscles, and then working them out, you are making them stronger then your chest. try just doing chest only, and stick with sets of 6 reps or less. that will put in a mass lifting phase, and your bench will go up quickly.

That is a set up pretty much like mine. I break it up into 3 days.

Day 1 Chest/Back…usually 4 exercises (2 chest/2 Back) 3 sets each then I do two more (one of each) for either 2 or 1 sets.

Day 2 Legs/DL’s…SQUATS, DL’s, front squats (alternate in other exercises depending on how my lower back feels), and calve raises. All 3-4 sets of each.

Day 3 Shoulders/arms/traps…some standing shoulder presses, power cleans and presses, one curl exercise, one tri exercise, and shrugs. All 3 sets and I superset bi’s and tri’s.

Of course I have a few rest days in there…I always try to hit each day within 10-12 days.

I think a Pittspeed lifting day would be something interesting.

We could do it in a Lift-a-thon" type fashion for fun. We can MAX out at BENCH, SQUAT, DEADLIFT and possibly CLEANS then add the totals for Pittspeeds strongest man. lol Maybe even make it some type of fundrasier event somehow. People can donate based on how much you lift or something. i dont know, its a thought.

I think ur gay n just want to see men with their shirts off…:ugh2:

im down for a lift-a-thon. i have a good feeling on who would win…

thats if we dont take weight into account…:wink:

Lifting is NOT about how much u can lift, it is about self discipline and personal goals, lift all u want but i would still kick the shit out of u.:slight_smile:

wow, now your reaching, let me guess, you grew up in the suburbs , won a few fights, etc, etc. you don;'t know me, i don;t know you. but i know i can prove with a court paper that i hit a kid so hard once that i broke both sides of his jaw. not top and bottom, i mean left/right side, with one punch. i grew up in lower north side my whole life, i have been in more fights then i would have liked, but i can more then handle my own. if you are serious, please, name the time and place, and bring a witness, you’ll need him when you have to sue me for beating your ass.
i really hate when people act tough, and then bitch out. so i made the challenge, so if you don’t accept, then, your a bitch…

we do that in a similar way. we put 25’s on each sode and on the way up you are inside grip and the way down you re outside.

do 1 hand it off, get it back
do 2 hand it off, get it back
do 3 hand it off, get it back

then once you get to 10, go backwards

Want a cookie?

BTW, your wrong and nobody cares about u much on this board so take it elsewhere…

oh yeah, they work great. we do sets of 15, then keep passing/stripping the bar, its amazing how heavy 5lb plates van get.

how am i wrong?? because i called you out?? and you backed down?? i was being cool and gave you some tips. you had to get smart with no one cares about a lifting contest. i do them all the time, and it test my own goals, like you said. but its aslo good to see where you stand against people on your level. are you stronger, need to get stronger, etc?? you don’t have to compete in it, but why not, it would be cool to have one. saying that going to a gym and working out everyday, but never wanting to compete against anybody to see how strong you are is like building a race car and driving to the mall with it. life is all testing yourself, so what if you lose, i bet i could t4each you more about lifting/nutrition in the 2 hours the meet tokk then you would ever need.

Hence the smiley face at the end of my post mr roid rage:ugh2: Ur the one who assumed i was serious and assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. And u are 31 so y act like u are in high school? Yay u beat some kids ass wnat a cookie? I ahve too and i don’t brag but obviously u are making up for something,maybe mommy didn’t breast feed u enough or maybe daddy drank too much n beat ur ass too many times, but whatever chill out n STFU cause u arei n the wrong n u really have no clue about me nor my sense of humor. Grow up arnold schwartzeneger:bowrofl:

Lets keep the gay tuff guy shit out of this thread.

As for a contest…I never competed and I truly think when maxing out it isnt all strength, I feel there is some skill and know how involved. I cannot remember the last time i maxed out at anything. I know for bench press I always bring the bar down very slow trying to be safe and I waste a lot of energy. There is a lot of form and technique involved.

Hence the smiley face at the end of my post Mr.Roid Rage!:nuts: U don’t knoe me nor do u care too, ur 31 but act like u are in high school,grow up and STFU. I am sure u could shopw me alot that i don’t know but please keep this shit to PM’s if u want to get ur jollies off by threeatning me with ur childish behavior and not on this topic. BTW,i never backed down,esp becasue u are gay,now erase ur gay ass posts out of thias fucking ON TOPIC thread as will I!

x2 keep it on topic.

strength per pound is overrated…just kidding…I suck at both how much do you weigh?