Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:


im about 190 right at this moment.

my bodyfat is higher than usual though. its about 15ish percent but i am stronger than i have ever been sooā€¦

i know that as i continue the workout i am on my strength will decrease with the loss of bodyfat. i am hoping to retain some of this size as i cut though.


i rarely if ever max out at anything because thats just not important to obtaining a great physique. It also adds alot of unnecassary strain to your body.

I agree that it takes some training to achieve a heavy 1 rep max. I wasnt thinking something that competitive though It would be more along the lines of fun. The adreneline and competitive spirit of the moment would help boost your max a few extra pounds :slight_smile:

it always does. usually, competitive lifting contests add around 10% strength to your max. when you go in there, you get so pumped up. its the greatest feeling, i wish i could turn it into a lifting pill, iā€™d be rich. anyway, im down for one. we would have to do diffrerent classes, and it would be fun. we could do 3 different contests for bench 1-highest bench, 2-most reps of your bodyweight, 3-225lb. for repsā€¦that would be fun.

thats why physical training, nutrition intake, and form/exercises arent the only things that will make you get stronger and develop lean mass. they are all VERY important but there is alot of MENTAL power that goes overlooked. if your not in the mindset youā€™ll find yourself not doing the weight you should/could be doing. You need to drive yourself

to keep my intensity up during a workout i listen to my ipod with some inspirational music usually classical but sometimes i listen to ā€œkill peopleā€ music. I try to keep a serious and focused expression on my face. When i dont people bother the piss out of me. I can not stand when people, friend or not, try to strike up a convo with me mid workout.

Also i actually perfer to workout alone because a partner slows me down and tends to pull my focus away from where it should be. It used to be the opposite because i needed that other person to motivate me. I see it like this though, if i can not focus myself then im never going to make real progress for myself.

The one thing i love about bodybuilding is that the only person that can reap the benefits of your work is you.


this is very trueā€¦ you wouldnt want to lift with me and my friendā€¦as we kinda talk about stuff while we lift and have a good time with itā€¦when in all reality we should be focusing more on being intense. Some days we did a good jobā€¦
Now we dont lift together per se, we do our own routines but sometimes help spot each other. I find this better for me as i can stay focused and work faster

its hard to work out with someone, i tried a lot of times, but i was too intnse, and they quit. i like lifting alone anyway, i get done faster.

I think a competition would be good to help motivate people. If you have a date where you have to compete, you are going to work a little harder than normal so you can give it your best. Me personally I am not competitive at all at anything but would like to log my progress and see how much I progress myself.

I like the idea of Bench 225 for repsā€¦I would love to have something to motivate me to get 20 reps. BW for reps would be interestingā€¦it would be more of a stamina thing for some of the strong for their weight guyā€™s. Maxing out at weight classes would be decent tooā€¦even though I suck at it. I also think there should be some Squat and Dead Lifting in there too since they are the big 3.

speaking of competitions I just competed today in the florida strongman championshipsā€¦came in at 4th placeā€¦not to bad i guessā€¦there were 26 or 27 pplā€¦ and 1 guy pulled his bicep and had to drop outā€¦other than that theres some strong motherfuckers down here in florida!!!

awesomeā€¦what weight class? 4th is pretty damn goodā€¦you must be manchild status

ya i was really trying for top 2 so i could go to nationals but i guess 4th is pretty good. I have two more shows in pgh coming up that qualify for nationals so well see. at this show i was light heavyweight which is 230 and under, i weighed in at about 196 and some change and the nearest competitor to me was 216ā€¦normally in pgh was a pretty stagnant 205 but i just went on two trips and my eating habbits went waaaaay out of wack. but thanks for the compliments!!

thats awesome . good job. we should try to set one up. i donā€™t know if there is enough people to do all the sanctioned weight classes, but we could something close-?lb-165, 165-200lb, 200 -230lb, 230-?lb

i would not mind setting something smaller up if the idea of a larger competition does not work out. We wouldnt have to do classes or anything. we can just do 3 or 4 competiton lifts and compare against everyone else.
plus those weight classes would be great! i would be a heavy 165-200lb competitor :wink:

yeah, they would be a good start. most sanctioned meets have a new classs every 15-25lbs, so it should pretty close. it would be cool to lift with some of the peolpe on this site. i know i got a real good raw bench max, but i would have a hard time with the bodyweight of reps, or the 225 for reps. since im heavier, those high reps donā€™t like me. it would be funā€¦

it has been so long since i have done anything near a one rep max.

I know my squat would be in upper 400s but everything else is a toss up. I havent bench pressed with a bar in months. I used to love deadlifts but i pulled and slightly tore some low back muscles going heavy for reps. The heaviest i tried and completed was 405 for 4 reps with straps.


iā€™m not a legs/deadlift guyā€¦i used to do squats and then had a lower back injury which forced me to stop liftin legs all together. and in the summer i played softball for my restaurant, so i couldnt lift legs all that much since i needed them for the game. finally my back feels good again and i can put weight on it. i gotta work back up to where i used to be.

I also dont do cleans or other stuff like that.
bench max i havent done in a long while either but i can rep 225 for 7 or so.

I have always been into power lifting and olympic lifts. I tried for 2 years to start a weight lifting club/team for my high school. there was just not an interest in it so it died out. I also trained with an olympic lift trainer in bridgeville years back. I could never manage to snatch any real weight though.


Gotta work yourself back into legsā€¦even is you have to take it super light at first. 225 for a clean 7 (touch and go) is good for about a 275 bench maxā€¦which is pretty solid.

Squat being that strong compared to the DL (not that that isnt a good DL) usually means you are short. Damn short guys have it easy.

iā€™ve started it up againā€¦ gotta get my legs strong again, but mainly i want to work on my speed. and yeah i was hoping my max was in the 265-275 rangeā€¦ not bad for only 160lbs body weight