Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

i use alot more quads in my deadlift than lowback like taller people. If i kept working on my deadlift i could easily seeing it being stronger than my squat. It just make me nervous even though im sure that i could start back into them without a problem!


Yeah, once you get back into them it will be fine. I want to work on speed too…for the past few years I haven’t really done much other than lift (just a little hockey) and I gained about 30 lbs…so this spring I am going to start to run sprints. That way I can get in better shape and work on my calves at the same time.

I would agree a benching mid to high 200’s is pretty solid for someone who only weighs in the 160 range. Let me guess you are a short fucker.

I am with you on that…I don’t push my Deadlifting as hard as my squatting. It just seems easier to mess your back up on DL’s than squatting. I have a cousine who plays HS football (DE…big fucker) and had to get back surgery from doing DL’s. His for slipped up a little and he slipped two discs. His surgeon said he is highly heavy DL’s.

i guess i’m short… i’m around 5’8-5’9".

but for speed… i have heard lunges are great and definately hamstring curls.

thats not short! short is 5’4 like me :):slight_smile:

training for speed is a whole different type of monster.

I actually spent my summer speed training high school and college athletes specifically baseball players.


haha well at school in elevators i’m short compared to everyone around me

and yes, i want to work on abitof speed for baseball/softball this summer. I played ina local softball co-ed league for my restaurant i work at. very fun but competitive.

any tips?

start jumping rope. do all kinds of variations: single leg, high knees, boxer shuffle and especially double jumps.

For baseball, your first few steps from a stand still are the most important. if they are efficent adn your balanced then you will move quicker untily ou hit full stride.

what about gaining a more powerful full speed stride. i know the start is good, and i generally have a quick start, i just want more topend

haha. car terms in fitness

You can learn to open up more with each stride but that only helps if you learned to run with a smaller stride. your stride length really is not going to change by much though because its something fairly genetic.

Now, you have to realize that how fast you run is all genetics. you can not take a 5.0 40yd person and get them into the low 4s. The way that speed training helps is by making each stride you take more efficent. there are numerous exercises to teach you how to control your stride more efficently which creates a faster person. I would say that a more efficent start when running will yield the best results.

You dont really need super strong muscles to run fast.

what i suggest is to take a few speed sessions with a reputable trainer and then emulate their workouts on your own.

well its not THAT big of a concern to me since its not like i’m playing real competitive in college or something. its just a rec league and i’m more than fast enough to walk around the bases when i take the ball deep LOL

well there you go. work on being a power hitter instead of a gazelle around the bases.

well its also the fact that i’m a left fielder and i see alot of action during a game…but i generally can get great reads on the ball so i’m more than fast enough to cover the necessary ground due to that great reaction time. And i got a great arm so even if i dont get to the ball in time to make a catch or cut it off, i can throw a ton to make up for any lack of speed.

i’ll just work on the simple stuff, like jump rope, agility exercises and general leg strength stuff like im doing and hopefully i pick up abit of speed.

I’d suck at basketball or baseball, anything with short bursts. my legs are all slow twitch now. For months now I’ve been treadmilling 5 miles or so a few times a week.

Bit frustrated now….almost every exercise except bench press and shoulder press has gone up somewhat decently. For bench and shoulder press I am actually pressing less weight that I was a month ago. What I was getting for a solid 8-9 reps I can only get for about 6 reps now. I noticed a while back I was plateauing a little so I decreased the weight and stopped my reps about 2 reps before failure. Now I try to add on the weight I was pressing with a month ago and the reps dropped.

So now I am debating on just staying with that weight and trying to increase from there all over again. Or trying to cycle in some HIT (strips/drop sets) for 3 weeks and see where I can go with that.

i think it works in cycles… you’ve plateaued and changed up to lighter weight for awhile…and now your going back to heavy so naturally your gonna lose some power there but it should come back.

thats what happens to me. i go up and hit a peak, and then i might take alittle time off or change weight range. When i go back to the old weight i cant do it as much as i used to, but i start growing again and eventually move past the plateau point

You have reached the limits of your recovery ability. The harder you push, the deeper your body has to go to recover. Rather than resting and taking time off, you lightened the weight which has taken you backwards instead of forward.

The next time it happens, try doing a maintenance cycle where you do not lighten the weight, you train less and rest and eat more. You might even have to change your whole routine. Your body will adapt to this level and accept it as “normal”. After a few weeks of maintenance you should be able to push it hard again and make some strength gains.

so your saying once u plateau, switch up the routine to a same weight but less reps or possibly less sets routine for alittle while, and then go back to the old routine and push hard?

so today the gym was filled with a bunch of macho man wannnabe fuckin faggots! I guess thats what you get when you go at peak hours to a very public gym!

anyway, I just squatted a house. warmed up with 225lb then on to 315 for 15 reps. i was feeling great so i jumped to 365 for 10 then 8 and lastly 405 for 4!

it was great. i felt good and finished thru the rest of the workout pretty hard! BEST PARTwas as soon as i was finished i ran to the bathroom to VOMIT! I havent honestly SQUATTED until i PUKED since high school! i know its kinda sick but im pumped about it!!

so im sitting here catching my breath and drinking water!

great day!!!


i’ve actually been sticking to lifting three times a week but fucken work is starting to get in my way and i’m mad cause it know if i miss a day it turns to two, etc etc… but anyway, i just been going with protein for now. i had a great workout on friday and i feel better after just like three weeks.