Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

it makes such a huge impact on how you feel day to day even when your only going a few times a week. The snowball effect when it comes to missing workouts sucks badly. However the longer you stay consistant the harder it is in my experience to ever miss workouts. Working out becomes as routine as going to work or even showering. when you miss a workout, it will eat away at your conscious until you go again.

i havent missed more than a day in the past lil ovewr a month going and i can tell results in everything but chest, apparently i was lifting with my Tris more than chest n have now corrected that with a wider grip. I have been on the protein diet for a month now n feel great,5-6 small meals a day,usually cottage cheese two-three times, chicken in cream of mushroom sauce ocne a day and chipped ham n cheese sandwiches. All my weight has dramatically improved as i can see but still not too much bulkiness, arms are getting bigger n i am getting more defined in back,shoulders n lats.

if your looking for more gains in your chest area and you have a tendency to emphasize TRIs, i do the same thing, start using more DBs and Isolation exercises to fully work your pecs. And a good idea is to keeo changing the degree at which your performing your incline and decline pressing!


isolation as in how jim? I am putting up more weight in decline adn inxcline then reg bench alone.

isolation exercises are “Single joint” movements like: PEC-DECK, INCLINE, FLAT or DECLINE FLYES, CABLE X’overs. as maybe try out a compund movement called a pullover to hit your chest in a new way. it does hit your back somewhat but its a good change of pace exercise.

and when im refering to the degrees or angles think of it like this: if you were to hold yours arms straight out in a FLAT bench fashion that would be a 90 degree angle to your body. An incline would be something greater like 110 or so and lastly a decline would be something smaller like 50 or 60 degrees. you can change that angles by adjusting the incline or decline of the bench you are pressing on. When you change the angle you are recruiting different fibers of the PEC because the PEC is broken into 3 parts: upper, middle and lower. so working all three parts will result in a stronger more full chest!

the other thing i wanted to mention is that when you start to go heavy on wider than normal grip bench press it puts some extra strain on your shoulder so watch jumping up in weight quickly!

a good way to determine the proper width for your hands when you bench press is by falling from a standing postition into a push up position. doing this will force your body into its “power” positon or whatever people want to call it. If you take the distance between your hands when you catch yourself you will have YOUR personal width that will be correct form for bench pressing. thats not to say that using a narrow or wider grip is incorrect. i personally dont even use barbells for chest anymore because ive seen greater gains with dumbells! heavy bench pressing would usually result in sore and tired shoulders and tris instead of a properly exercised chest. the dumbells however help my focus on my pecs

i have to run to the parts store for oil but when i get back ill explain a few plateu busters for chest!!

anything else just ask! :slight_smile:

Cool, we usually do dumbells(chest) today and hit barbells on weds. I used the machinie a couple of times n felt it more than with barbells. We hit up reg bench,then inclint then decline. With flys i am good but usually hit a tender spot in my shoulder around 150#'s on the machine so i ahve to stop,i have been doinmg the 10-8-6 rep for about 2-3 weeks now n have been noticing improvements in my gains. But like i stated b4.chest is the hardest for me to conquer and or lift with. I am heading to the gym in a lil bit so i will PM u later aboutt he ISO…

if your working your chest 2 times a week what kind of reps and sets are you doing?? you might actually be over training yourself.

Mondays we do DB chest and i usually start off with 60’s ten times then 65 8 adn 70 6 times. Then we usually do military with either BB or DB. Mondays usualyy consist of that and other shit, liek we worked bi’s today as well with those two and other misc stuff and flys on the machine. I hit the same as well, like start off with 120 10x then on to 140 8x then 165 6x. Weds we hit it with reg,decline adn incline bench that there i lake of and do not feel it really in my chest. Thursdays n sats i usually hit up tris,back. It is all up in the air right now…

I have warned him about over training muscles, but he’s not by any means over training chest…

and you have so missed days…just not nearly as many as me.

good thing everyone keeps backing up what i tell him everyday…maybe with enough people he’ll start to realize its all common sense and not “magic”

alright. overtraining is always a concern for me espeically when working muscles 2 times a week. It always takes alot of calories to follow a workout like that for more than a few weeks. I use the length of time that my muscles are sore after workouts to gauge if im overtraining. I start to ease back if im staying for for more than 48 hours, when i say sore i mean that deep tissue soreness. Unless i knew a had a paticularly great workout or did something to cause more soreness.

Heres an idea of what im doing lately for chest:

I only work onew bodypart a week and chest is usually mid week because its not a lagging bodyparts. I tend to do legs mondays or back depending on the previous week.

Last Week I did chest tueday.

I started on the Flat Bench with Barbell presses. I like to do pyramids on barbell bench so I warmed up with 135 for like 15 or so reps. Then i went into my working sets which were 185lb for 12 reps, then 205lb for 10, 225lbs for 7 reps then finished for 245 for 4reps.

Next was Dumbell Incline press for 4 sets of 8reps. I used 75lb DBs and concentrated solely of form and working the muscles.

Next was 3x10 Cable X’over on high pullies. nothing special i used 50, 60 then 70 all for ten reps.

Next i use the archaic seated bench press. its the kind that used a weight stack with plates. I do 3 sets of 15 reps or so depending on the workout and how its going. i think i used the number 11 plate.

Lastly, I finish up with a few sets of push-ups.

I have always done something along these lines but never teh same workout two weeks in a row. I like to do a heavy pressing movement first to really tire the stabilizer and secondary muscles along with the chest. Then move into a DB movement to really hit the PECS followed by an ISO exercise. The seated press is a good way to take the seondary muscles ouf of the picture and hit your PEC with a compund movement range of motion and lastly a burnout to really finish off the muscle.


it was great. i felt good and finished thru the rest of the workout pretty hard! BEST PARTwas as soon as i was finished i ran to the bathroom to VOMIT! I havent honestly SQUATTED until i PUKED since high school! i know its kinda sick but im pumped about it!!

ah dont u love that? my friend has puked a few times after a workout, and especially after heavy squats…he loves it

i like your planned workout there. i usually lift a muscle group 2 times a week but i dont do nearly that many exercises or reps. i just go do around 3 sets on one exercise. two heavier and then a drop set to burn out. so far i like it and by the next day to lift taht same body part, i’m experiencing no soreness at all. i think i got a good rest period going and might try doing an extra set or another exercise to see where that gets me

Awesome squatting 240…you short guys have it easy…haha

Sleeper as for benching 2 times a week I would break it up one heavy day and one light day. Where the light day you would not even come close to training till failure. Keep in mind your shoulders get hit pretty hard when benching and overworking them often leads to injury.

As for isolating the chest into 3 parts this is a highly debated subject in weightlifting. It is said that you cannot focus on upper, mid, or lower…but can just limit how much you want your delts involved. I also read by changing the angles you can put more emphasis on you lower, mid or upper chest. Both come from reputable sources…so I am not sure what side of the fence I am on for that matter.

yeah thats very interesting. i always wondered whats the deal with doing different angled bench. i’ve tried incline and never realy gained with it. My lifting buddy has gained on incline. it just hurts my shoulder so i stopped doin it. decline i dont mind but havent done that in a long while

In my experience I believe its possible to shift the emphasis by adjusting the angle so i tend to break my workouts up like that. I have known people that didnt agree but to each their own.

Sadly, I didnt make it to the gym yet today :frowning: I spent the day detailing my car which was needed very badly so its was a good reason. Im still debating going to the gym tonight at like 8 or 9 after the peak crowd leaves.


Im can easily bench more on decline that any other angle of barbell bench. However I never do it because I have alot of trouble focusing on using my chest. I never really liked Incline barbell bench either but Incline DB is one of my favorite chest exercises.


it would make sense that it shifts emphasis because of the different weight ranges you can do on 3 angles, such as flat, incline and decline. i can typically decline abit more than my flat bench, and my incline is the weakest. that kinda shows what part of the chest you are working the most, as the upper part is smaller with respect to the lower part of the chest and thus shouldnt do as much weight

The reason why incline is harder is b/c your shoulders are being used more.

So where does everyone lift at?

I lift at my House where I have a bench, half rack, and lat pull down. I also have a membership to Champion Fitness which is due for renewal…so depending on what rates he offers I may end up going to Lifeforce.

i either lift at my college, PITT where i use the peterson event center facilities, or at my highschool when i’m on break

over the summer i got a membership to Center Ice Fitness like 3 miles from my house

Peterson used to be my shit too. I was there when it first opened…that place is pretty laid out…Center Ice…is that on Castle Shannon Blvd?

naw this Center Ice is in my hometown of Delmont. i dont know where any other center ice’s are