Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

I kept a log of every workout since Jan 1, 2007 and I can tell you for the most part I gained a little and now I am weaker on a few lifts. I never really changed anything and in the past I have plateaued but never actually gotten weaker. very frustrating…I tried a cycle of HIT and didn’t gain much.

I guess it is time to go to the drawing board for a new routine and get my diet in check a little better. I know anytime I am at the gym while doing chest I am going with dumbbells, I did today and was kinda pissed b/c I used DB’s that were 5 or 10 lbs lighter than I usually use and I got less reps. I guess when I get some time I will draw up a routine and maybe post it here to see what you guys think.