Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

[QUOTE=Hero;547371]12-14% is 6 pack showing territory!

QUOTE]Not really, i don’t really have any…

i had 3 or 4 at 8%

well as long as your workin abs for awhile they should be somewhat developed and start appearing thru.

i have no idea what my percentage is but i got alittle abs showing thru now, cuz i just started doin abs again last month or so. i got a ways to go to get back to what i used to have but its a start

yesterday we was playin hockey and i was bringin the ball up the fence boards and my stick blade stuck under the fence and the butt end of the stick wedged into my stomach… i was moving pretty fast and got speared so hard that the hard ass wooden blade snapped in half. It squeezed some wind out of me for a few seconds but i was fine…thanks for some abs! haha

OK I am a pissed white turd. Lately I have gotten weaker at a few lifts. I have lost like 2-3 reps on them…for the past 3 weeks or so. I think it may be time to revamp my routine, I know I am going to switch to DB’s for bench for the next month. I may try a lower volume higher frequency approach. We’ll see what happens.

Try changing your Tampon, that might help:bigok:

i would change up your routine or else hit up what u are lacking on twicw a week maybe?

just renew my gym contract friday guess i need to start using it

yeah analyze your previous workout and see whats goin on there… if your losing out, you should try changing up and slowly work up in weight and such

i just got off the HIT stuff last week or so and went back into a heavy routine to just about failure…but gave rest between sets and didnt strip weights at all like the HIT was. I’m still goin up and feelin good

i should change back to light and high reps but i dont wanna if i’m doin well on heavy. but too much failure cant be good for you

I kept a log of every workout since Jan 1, 2007 and I can tell you for the most part I gained a little and now I am weaker on a few lifts. I never really changed anything and in the past I have plateaued but never actually gotten weaker. very frustrating…I tried a cycle of HIT and didn’t gain much.

I guess it is time to go to the drawing board for a new routine and get my diet in check a little better. I know anytime I am at the gym while doing chest I am going with dumbbells, I did today and was kinda pissed b/c I used DB’s that were 5 or 10 lbs lighter than I usually use and I got less reps. I guess when I get some time I will draw up a routine and maybe post it here to see what you guys think.

I played ice hockey for the first time in over a decade last Wed. night…talk about workout and 1/2! Waaay better than any treadmill/stepper/machine. Aaaand on that note, I’m old.

O really? When do you want to step on the ice again! let me know if you want to go to stick time someitme!

he’ll be tonight you douche

22psi plays hockey. i think with sektion8 or something like that

shiet! (@!*($+&$(@&+@ I wish I didnt have class so I could play tonight!!!

yeah me too. we’re tired of having good goalies!

I think I have a new game plan on how I am going to change things up. Before I was keeping most my lifts in the 6-8 rep range (most hitting 8) with a breakup like this:

OLD ROUTINE Day1 : Chest/Back Day2: Legs/D/L's Day3: Shoulders/Arms

Now I think I am going to try to a split like this…where I will try to be able to hit each day twice within 10 days. Also I will be using DB’s for a lot of lifts especially bench press.

Day1: Chest/tri’s (heavy under 5 reps for chest)
Day2: Back/Bi’s (heavy under 5 reps)
Day3: Legs/DL’s (Heavy under 5 reps)
Day4: Shoulders/lagging body parts (Heavy under 5 reps)
Day6: rest
Day7: Back/Bi’s (Light 12-15 reps)
Day8: Chest/Tri’s (Light 12-15 reps)
Day9: Legs/DL’s (Light 12-15 reps)
Day10: Shoulders/lagging body parts (light 12-15 reps)

Now I am thinking this may be a little hard on me so I may put a few rest days in when needed. Any thoughts? Should I change anything? What i dont like is I want to have a decent frequency but I have a 4 day split…I could always try this:

Day1: Chest/tri’s (heavy under 5 reps for chest)
Day2: Back/Bi’s (heavy under 5 reps)
Day3: Legs/DL’s (Heavy under 5 reps)
Day4: Shoulders/lagging body parts (Heavy under 5 reps)
Day5: Rest
Day6: Chest/Back (Light 12-15 reps)
Day7: Legs/DL’s (light 12-15 reps)
Day8: Shoulders/Arms (light 12-15 reps)


You really shouldn,t be working your two MAJOR body parts on the same day let alone one day after the next I.E. back and chest.

I think it is fine to work two major body parts on the same day…as long as the volume is lower and the frequency is more.

As for 2 days in a row I think it is fine as long and you are not training the same muslce indirectly. For example if you do chest one day then the next day you do shoulders…when you did chest you hit your shoulders indirectly and on both days you hit triceps indirectly. When I desing routines I try to focus on not overlapping the same muscle through indirect training.

i’ve been liftin 2 major body parts in the same day and have been fine. i do chest back shoulders, then next lift day i do bi’s tri’s legs traps. every other day is a lift day that rotates and i’ve been fine. gettin about 3-4 days of recovery between lifts and i’m keeping volume down so that those 3-4 days are just enough to recover

Any reason you are specifically locked in to splits?

Have you considered a full body routine?

There are some advantages to a full body routine:

If you miss a day it won’t blow the whole routine.
2-3 days off in between workouts = plenty of rest and recovery
No risk of over training.

I have a couple of full body circuit routines that I used to do 2-3 times a week for 2 months at a time, if you are interested.

I like the concept of Full bodies and really want to try one…but they way my schedule is I have to lift a few consectutive in a row…so splits fit my schedule better.