Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

That was a very easy 10 reps…I think I had a solid 12-13 reps if I would have re-gripped. I think I can pull about 420-430 or so for one rep…and compared to where I should be that isn’t too great…but lifting over 400 lbs is pretty good I guess. I used to be your typical rookie or whatever you want to call it…I would train upper body all the time and legs like once every 6 weeks…pretty sad. The past year or so I put together a solid routine where I train everything while using mostly compound movements. My legs and lower back(dl’s) have gotten a lot stronger, but compared to my chest and back they are still lagging a bit. But that is the part of the fun/frustration of weightlifting…learning what to do and what not to do…what works for you and what doesn’t.