Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

well ur right but…it works fer me, since Ive not been making it to the gym but once a week. Im used to going every/other day. My centrum and I are hangin in there.

still destroying a dozen hot wings a day?

the hardest part ive found is eating enough. I try to do the six small meals thing, but if I’m lucky I get in 3 meals in a day.

No /… he’s not.

no, but a dozen eggs i am

The past 3 weeks what has been working for me and well (finally) is this.

Breakfast: I drink one of the small cans of low sodium V8, 1 cup of cheerios with banana, and about 1 cup of 2% milk.

Between Breakfast and Lunch: Usually an apple about 8:30 or 9 and a plum around 11 or I save the plum for lunch. If I don’t eat those inbetween Breakfast and Lunch I eat a lowfat strawberry fruit on the bottom yogart.

Lunch: Either left over from the previous night dinner, or a whole wheat bagel sandwich with low sodium turkey breast, or I do a whole weat tortilla Ceaser chicken wrap.

Between Lunch and dinner: Fresh raw veggies (carrots, broccoli, Califlower)

Dinner: Either a lean meat, or Fish, Some type of carb either baked potato or Brown Rice, and a veggie. We are trying to alternate fish every other day with our meal. Also started using a lot of lean ground turkey in place of lean ground beef.

Also only drink water all day at work except for the occational pomegranate juice in the morning.


I finally made some progress. I’m just curious to see what happends when I go back to night turn.


keep up the good work. Once you see some results, you’ll be 100x more motivated to keep it up.

dont take centrum vitamins, they are the biggest marketing gimmick as far as vitamins go. if you want a REAL multi-vitamin go check out GNC’s ultra mega gold.

the one-a-day theory is such bulshit, your body will only absorb what is needed at the time of ingestion. which means even IF centrum was broken down and absorbed they way it should, you would absorb about a 1/3 of whats in it. centrum however doesnt breakdown properly or assimilate into your blood properly so your basically wasting your 15 bucks or whatever they cost.



im very impressed! keep improving the power to weight ratio on your bike! :slight_smile:

yeah the past 3 weeks I have lost between 8 and 10 lbs.

Last march when I realized I had to really do somthing, I was up to 310 lbs and a 42 tight pant. I am now down to ruffly 275 and a loose 40 inch pant. My goal by mid summer is to be back at my fire department weight of 240-250 / 38 inch pant and work from there.

Gaining 60 lbs in 4 years at my job sucks(ed) :eek4dance

i havent really lost that much weight since I joined the gym, but I do believe I’ve gained some muscle.

I really want to get rid of some of my gut though. I dont want to be fat and strong. i want to be lean and cut. :hs:

When I was at the fire department I was between 240-250 but I had a lot of muscle mass from what I did. On top of being a live-in fire fighter at the fire station running calls all day, i worked 40-60 hours on the ambulance lifting people.

Now that I’m not doing that full time anymore and my job now revolves around a console and stress, and winter is an even bigger problem because I’m less motivated to do things after work. I lost a good bit of that muscle mass and I have to get it back. I’m by no means, stopping when I get to the point, its just thats just my current goal.

These past 3 weeks have been suprisingly easy now that I’m in the mind set and past that mental block of “eating more than 3 times a day is bad”. With warmer weather just around the corner its only going to get easier for me because this is when I come out of winter hiding.

I used to take GNC Mega Men twice a day…they made me pee a lot greener and smellier. I just got a good deal on centrum at WalMart so I figured Id get back on the multivitamin kick since I ran out of GNC end of summer. Man does this shit fuck up my stomach the first week, Im alright now but wooo wee. I was in GNC the other day looking around and Im thinkin about switching back.

The Centrum says 1 a day…is it cool to double up Centrum? one at lunch, one at dinner? or will it eat away my stomach lining till my intestines poop out my belly button…?

ULTRA MEGA GOLD not MEGA MEN. mega men was formulated for OLD MEN not for active people under 40!

the reason your urine was darker and smellier is because you were dehydrated plus you had the excess vitamons and minerals being excreted. taking a vitamin increases the amount of water you need to drink daily! the reason is that some vitamins are water soluable and others are fat soluable. so you need more water and good fats to take advantage of a multi!

youllbe fine doubling up the dosage but with centrum its hardly worth it :slight_smile:

Yea sons of bitches forgot to mention that when i bought it the first time. Awsome, thanks for the advice! :mrT:

shit, I take centrum :smiley:

i guess its their marketing that sell vitamins because its surely not the product!

i take whatever the cheapest generic brand that wal-mart sells. Being poor ftl

its only 29 dollars for a 6 month supply of GNC Ultra Mega Gold, i dont think thats breaking the bank

I’m almost outta centrum now, I’ll get the GNC stuff from now on.

I guess it was centrum’s marketing that got me :smiley: