Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

probalby wasnt teh creatine, most likely the steroids haha jk. seriously though your not gonna notice this earth shattering gain from taking creatine.

yeah I just mix it with my protein shake after a workout

i do :slight_smile: ill give a run down of how it it works and why you need it when i have some time!


Here is a link to great info on it


creatine doesnt really help build muscle in the way most people assume. creatine is naturally found in the body and is synthesized by your liver. your body has a average store of 160grams at any given time.

why it helps you build muscle:

your body uses ATP as its energy source, i will not go into the details of ATP because its kinda complicated. saturating your muscles with creatine increases this energy source and makes it more readily available. that increase helps you build muscle by increasing the amount and repetitions you are able to perform at a given exercise. so its not really the creatine that causes the increased rate of muslce growth, its the intensity of the workout.

i hope that makes it more clear and PM if you want more information about creatine! its kinda my specialty because i did my junior and senior project on the effects of creatine :slight_smile:


that saved me some typing :slight_smile:

so how much glutamine a day are you guys taking?

15-20 grams. usually 10 post workout and 10 sometime later in teh day

i weighed myself the other day, 275lbs. so now wifey started me on a diet :frowning:

wow that much

I’ve been taking 4.5(1 tsp) daily after whatever I do


I started doing Tae Bo every morning… still can’t make it through the entire 55 minute workout, but I’m up to like 25. Haven’t noticed anything yet though… :frowning:

give it time and stay HYDRATED! cardio kick boxing isnt an easy thing to do :slight_smile:

How the fuck do I keep from being hungry before I go to sleep?

That’s my biggest weakness. I can control what I eat all day long but after I get done lifting or running at 9pm I’m starved!!!

you need nutrition after you exercise so not eating is worse than eating. since your exercising so late at night, your metabolism will stay higher while you sleep. so dont worry about food intake before bed. get some good carbs and protein in your body before bed and youll be fine!


i dont think that it matters what u eat as long as u exercise

eating is important. its usually not what but how much although eating healthy and light shows results much faster.

cool thanks guys!

wrong :frowning:

it is how much and of what you eat and especially at what time you eat it. nutrition is 90% of health and bodybuilding. the exercise is the easy part :slight_smile:

i lost 9lbs already