Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

usually go eat afterwords… doesnt really matter what. usually chicken fingers and fries or a burger

what we do right after workout is consume a serving of Muscle Milk. its a protein drink with lots of other good stuff in it.

also its good to stretch out hard after workouts.

just lots of protein. :dunno:

I am too tired to eat after a workout. :smiley: I usually eat a few hours after I get back from the gym.

ha. Be_rad and I usually go straight from the gym to the bar for beer and chips. lol

bad habit

30g of whey protein

then another 30 an hour or so later

the car the first hour after your workout the “golden hour” because your body will absorb nutrients more rapidly than any other time. so you need to get your post workout nutrition in your body somewhere in that hour.

the three things you need to address with your post workout nutrition are:

1. replenishment of glycogen(carbs)
The two carbohydrates that work best are dextrose and maltodextrin. These are both digested at a high rate and will replenish your glycogen stores. you can buy these forms of carbohydrates in powdered drinks. i know most of you guys arent going to go this far. what id say you should do is eat 3 or 4 slices of white bread after your workout to replenish carbs.

2. Stopping protein breakdown
simple enough get fast absorbing proteins in your body. a mixture of WHEY concentrate and isolate will work best!

3. Increasing Protein Synthesis (Muscle Building)
You must have a high level of essential amino acids. You can get these through BCAA supplementation which provides essential amino acids which help in getting a huge boost in protein synthesis.

after a workout is a good time to add other supplements like creatine and a multi-vitamin


this thread makes Darkstar’s penis (and pectoral muscles) very hard.

I had bad experience with creatine so I stopped taking it but my protein has both concentrate and isolate.

I know nothing about Protein Sythesis though :dunno:

what happened with the creatine?

got bad cramps after I would lift, especially in the abs

I would do my normal amount of crunches after treadmilling and my abs cramped up so bad one time I thought I had a hernia or something. It took about 10 minutes of relaxing them for it to go away. This was about 3 weeks into supplementing creatine. I made sure to drink plenty of water and the creatine I took was mixed with sugar too.

My arms were cramping bad also. I just stopped after that.

interesting. my first thought would be dehydration but you say you had plenty of water. the thing that makes me wonder about that is creatine occurs naturally in the body. creatine is what your body uses to produce ATP and ATP is what your body uses for energy. i find it slightly weird you had such a reaction but then again everyone is different. :dunno:


yeah it was definitely an experience

I might try it again someday, it made me bigger and stronger in the short time I was on it

I think the added strength was psychological though, because after I went off I retained it.

i took creatine for a couple months and it did nothing for me, but my other buddy who took it fuckin blew up

here’s a question. What if any effect does alcohol have on getting in shape? I know that beer has a lot of empty calories, but I’m talking more along the lines of a gin+tonic or some other low calorie hard liquor concoction.

I’ve read about this before its because of the simple sugars in the alcohol and how your body view it. The article did some kind of comparision saying like 8 drinks was =to like 30 candy bars. It was insane. Don’t quote the numarics I just gave but it was something absurd…

I’ll try and find it.

me and my friend both experienced good success with taking Nitro Explosion before our workouts. its a combination of nitrogen and creatine with lots of amino acids/vitamins and carbs. its a very good pre workout energy supplier.

i took creatine for a month and didnt really feel much from it. i think more time would be necessary but i havent been on it for the last 3 weeks or so. i do take amino acids and mainly protein after workouts. gettin plenty of good proteins is essential and definately helps. also loading up with Glutamines helps recovery

I have probably the exact opposite problem of alot of people. I wanted to get down to about 155-160 but now I can’t stop losign weight. I have resorted to eating lots of junk food to try and keep on some weight.

I stepped on the scale this morning and I’m 149 and I need to get back up to 155.

What makes it worse is now that the weather is nice I want to get back on my bicycle and I will burn 1500 additional calories every day I’m on the bike not to mention further raise my metabolism.

Anybody have any dietary advice on how to put on some weight and give me the extra fuel I need to ride.

carbs before bed will do the trick!

dont resort to eating junk food as a way to gain weight, that is a such an incredibly unhealthy way gain weight!


anyone supplement glutamine?

I do…not really sure if I notice anygains…just take it with protien. The best but prob the worst for your body stuff I ever took was M1T…that stuff will make you into a total manchild.