Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

i’ve done some high volume high intensity training stuff between routines. i was doing light weight for lots of reps then switched to heavy low reps, lots of weight, then rotated into a high intensity heavy weights somewhat low-medium rep range, and no rest…just cranking out sets, stripping weight till i couldnt lift.

It was definately an interesting change of pace and i think i did get alittle stronger by changing routines.

I just changed my routine up now so we’ll see how i progress

What are you doing now?

From time to time I do strip sets, which sounds like what you explained. Start with a heavy weight and keep stripping weight off w/o rest.

i just changed my routine up where i’m isolating muscle groups on certain days now…mainlylifting each group once a week, but doing 2-3 exercises per part and doing 3-4 sets. SO i train them harder on workout day but give more rest.

before i was lifting each body part 2 times a week but only 3-4 sets a workout day… giving 4 days rest between workouts. it worked well for me but i needed a change in routine

learning are you young jedi,…

if you have questions about your workout, let me know

and it should be 3-4 exercises per bodypart

yep i’m trying new things. lol the only thing i have problems with is finding 3-4 exercises to do for the body parts. sometimes i can only think of 2-3, and my weight room doesnt really have good machines to get creative. Plus i get exhausted if i lift too much in one day :slight_smile: 3-4 sets on 3-4 exercises eats up gym time and i generally like to get the workout done in an hour. so far so good.

umm, its easy unless you have a small gym…incline bench, decline bench, flat bench, and you have 3 exercises right there…for bi’s-preacher curl, dumbbell curl, barbell curl…if you have any questions, pm me again. ill come to your gym and show you some exercises.

yeah i got chest covered with the flat, incline, and decline.

For back i’m thinking dumbell rows, possibly machine rows, lat pull downs, and maybe alittle flys. Last time out i did dumbell rows, lat pull downs and some flys. I guess thats good.

Bi’s i like dumbell standing curls, then dumbell isolations on curl bench. Then i thought about doing what are called Arnolds, basically two arm curls using the rope on a machine. Seems like if i do two arm barbell curls and single arm dumbell curls, its being redundant :slight_smile: why not just keep doing sets on dumbell curls? OR i can do some dumbell hammer curls where i dont twist the dumbell up top and “peak” the bicep. I just work alittle different part of the arm. not sure what i’ll end up doing there

Tri’s, i like skull crushers, and doing machine extensions, basically isolated single arm tri extensions. thats all i could do on that other than reverse grip bench i guess. But i hate using that self spotting barbell machine, its not smooth like regular flat bench

Legs i got squats, leg press, and hamstring curls. Some calves with the press machine.

Throw in some ab routines and thats about my workout, or basically what i’m capable of doing at this place

yeah i’m gonna stick with this few a little while and see where it gets me. I got to really focus on eating more and getting the right nutrition. I hope i break the 300 bench club soooon. I should have been there a year ago

For chest you can add flys…they are not for back. Also http://www.exrx.net/Lists/ExList/ChestWt.html

For back you can add pullups/chinups (various grips)…these are some of the best exercises to develop your back. Also look here for more back exercises:

For Arms look here http://www.exrx.net/Lists/ExList/ArmWt.html

Also, don’t get too carried away with doing a ton of sets, your arms get pretty taxed when doing chest and back…anything more than 2 exercises may be overtraining…if you break it up you may be able to hande 3 exercises…but if you overtrain them they will not grow at all.

Legs: There are a ton more exercises you can try:




I didn’t see any shoulders…so take a look here:

That site is a great site to reference…tons of good info on there. Also for the “300 lb club” once you can press 225 for a clean 10 reps you should be in the ballpark. Once you get there you will want to push 3 plates on each side…then you will want more…it never ends!!!

forgot to add shoulders, i got a few exercises for that but my first outting i didnt do them all as my left shoulder has a problem… as i lift it starts to hurt…been doing that for a long while now. i fight thru it, but it sucks. I think i got a bad rotator cuff or something? not sure

But i got military presses, dumbell presses, basic barbell shoulder raises, and sorta a shoulder fly that i can do. Last time out i just did 4 sets of db presses for the shoulders and felt fine

I do barbell shrugs for my traps

Was bored on my break on work so I wrote up my new routine I will be doing. It is my version of German Volume Training.


jeeeez that looks crazy… must be rough on the body… requires lots of rest i’m sure on off days

So far I did a chest/back and Legs day, it is somewhat crazy. Keep in mind for the exercises you do 10 sets you are going for 5 reps and you use a weight you can rep 10 times. So with the short rest periods of 60-90 seconds you will have cumulative fatigue and buy set 7 or 8 you will not be able to get 5 reps. Also workout 1 and 2 are done on different days…so you would go through the whole split with maybe one rest day mixed in then rest another day and use all the workout #2 and repeat. Then when you come back to workout #1 it should have been about 10 days. Then you can either go again and if you get all sets for 5 reps you up the weight…or you can up the weight roughly 10- 20 lbs and reduce it to 4 reps and so on. Pretty intense form of training, it has been around since the 70’s and has a great track record.

be careful, when doing german volume training, only do it for a 8 week peroid max, it is very hard on the joints and tendons, and take at least 2 days off a week to rest. it will help with your strength, just be careful

Thanks, that’s pretty much exactly what I planned on.

Does anybody have any healthy meal plans, I work 7 days a week and looking for some things that are healthy and easy.

preotein shakes, lots of egg whites, whole grains, no soda/juice or faST FOOD

question bout Nitrogen/Arginine supplements

Are you suppose to cycle these supplements? Like take them for awhile then off a few months or is it ok to stay on them?

I just went thru about a 2 month phase of my nitrogen supplement and ready to begin bottle number 2 :slight_smile: I remember when i was on GNC nitro explosion, it said do not take for more than 6 months at a time. Never really understood why

its so your body doesn’t adapt to it, taking time off cleans out your system, and ,akes the supplement more porewful again